Jorge Enrique Abello from Betty, la fea and her tender childhood photo

Jorge Enrique Abello from Ugly Betty and his tender childhood photo They have stolen all the compliments of their followers. She was really adorable!

At the end of last year Don Armando was reunited with his daughter 20 years after the recordings of the soap opera and Together they caused a furor in networks.

Jorge Enrique A. de Betty, la fea published a tender photo of his childhood

Colombian actor Jorge Enrique Abello, recognized for his role as Armando Mendoza in the iconic telenovela I am Betty the Ugly one a few weeks ago did a publication that touched all his fans.

Well, on the occasion of Children’s Day and through his official Instagram account, He shared with his followers an adorable and unpublished photograph of when he was just a little boy. How gorgeous!

in the snapshot the actor appears wearing an impeccable school uniform and a backpack, at an approximate age of 5 years. He also accompanied his publication with a heartfelt message:

Being children is a stage that we will remember forever, playing all day, getting excited to see our parents after a long day, being happy with minimal things, but above all the nobility and tranquility with which we lived life.

This is a memory in school when I was little. What is your best childhood memory?

Jorge Enrique Abello on Instagram.

Of course, his followers did not take long to fill the publication with compliments, as many congratulated him and They affirmed that since he was a child he has stolen the hearts of many girls.

“What a beautiful boy, since you were a child you have been a heartthrob…”, “That smile is gold. Since I was little with that charisma 😍”, “Beautiful since I was a child!!”, “Oh, what a beautiful little angel!”, “😍 My God @jeabello, you were already beautiful since you were a child….😘”.

And youhow do you like this actor photograph? Tell us in the comments and don’t forget to share this note!

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