If you are looking to undertake: Follow these tips to achieve it successfully

Many times the lack of professionalism in the processes, cause complications that do not allow the success of the enterprise.

This implies a more serious approach by the company to achieve the quality of the product and service it offers, with good management software, employee training, payment and collection of invoices from customers and suppliers, action planning, analysis of results and finally, a review of the leadership of the owners.

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According to study figures «I start in Chile»developed by the company Sodexo Benefits and Incentivesthe 64% affirm that the lack of capital is what makes it more difficult to start a business.

This is why there are certain factors to consider to prevent ventures from failing, and of course, to be able to maintain them over time:

Planning first.

Every entrepreneur must plan their letters very well before starting, where short-term visions or unclear objectives must be left behind. Entrepreneurship is a process that must be organized with programmed actions focused on time and resources.

Be careful in the business you get into.

You have to be clear about the famous saying “patissier to your cakes”. It is that the ideal will always be to start with a business that complements your passions, with what you really know or know. Always seek to develop business ideas from your current and past knowledge and develop your business skills such as leadership, planning and finance.

Get a good technology partner.

One of the most complex points for every entrepreneur is to achieve a better optimization of budgets in digital transformation, using the «Customized Software» service, which is tailored to the needs of each company, seeking to deliver a tool unique in its integrity and functionality.

«The service is implemented in 2 months to unify all the information of the company. During this time, errors are corrected, new specific functions are requested for the company and most importantly, the client is present at all times. There is also a process of gathering information that is done with the client, the important thing is that he can prioritize the needs, and go solving his main problems «he comments Matias CorralesCEO of kolossusa company that has this type of digital services.


You must have a management with a complete vision of all the departments of the company and their relationships. Individualism should be put aside, promoting more teamwork, this because many bosses are afraid to involve employees for fear of letting go of control.