How to plant basil? Learn the best tips

Before the question, how to plant basilwe must tell you that it is one of the plants that must have the most care within its cultivation and development process, so it requires a good investment of time.

Basil is a plant recognized worldwide for its different uses. Many people use its leaves as a flavoring and seasoning for all kinds of foods, while others trust it to cure some bodily ailments such as headaches and digestive problems.

If you still do not know what basil is for or you feel that it is the right time to start planting it at home, then we share everything you need to know about it and we hope that in a while, you will have a beautiful plant and fill your pantry to use it. when you need it.

How to plant basil in pots?

Planting this herb at home is very simple, so if you are just starting out in the world of gardening, it is a perfect challenge. What you should keep in mind is that its care is very precise to prolong its life and allow the plant to develop in the best conditions. Here we present the steps you must follow to achieve a perfect sowing:

Build a seedbed

The first thing is to make a seedbed. For this purpose, you can use recycled containers such as yogurt cups or buy new seedlings. Fill the seedbed containers with soil, using a mixture of universal substrate and natural fertilizer such as earthworm humus. It is best to sow several seeds because not all of them manage to germinate.


Make two or three holes in the soil with the help of a pencil or your finger and place the seeds at a depth of between 0.5 to 1 cm. Later fill the holes with a little substrate and water immediately with the help of a water sprayer. 2-3 weeks later, the seeds should have germinated.


Choose a small pot and place a few stones (gravel) in the bottom to improve drainage. On top of the gravel, put universal soil up to about two thirds of the container, in the remaining space, add the universal substrate mixture with the humus and finish with a handful of normal substrate. With a trowel or a spoon, very gently remove the seedlings from the seedbeds and open a hole in the potting soil to deposit the germinated plant there. Cover again with a little earth.

What are the care of the basil plant?

As we have already said, this aromatic needs a lot of love and care. We share some recommendations for basil to grow beautifully:

  • The plant needs abundant watering throughout its cultivation, but never flood the soil.
  • Pot watering should be done every day to keep it properly hydrated.
  • You should frequently stir the soil to aerate it.
  • It is very important to remove stems that are dry or in poor condition from the plant to encourage the birth and growth of new stems.
When to harvest the basil harvest?

After about 3 months after planting, you could start reaping the harvest. The way in which you should remove its leaves for consumption is by delicately cutting the stems at the bottom with scissors.

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