How to make chicken lasagna: it’s easier than you think

To know how to make lasagna of chicken can get you out of trouble because it is a recipe that you will make easily and that is ideal to serve your guests regardless of the occasion you are celebrating.

Undoubtedly, Italian gastronomy is one of the most delicious in the world and the variety of flavors and ingredients that it proposes is a true delight. Lasagna has gained fame for being an incredibly easy recipe to make and because it can be combined with any food product you can imagine, to please omnivorous, vegetarian or vegan palates.

If you are interested in knowing recipes with pasta, so as not to confuse your life! and you think you are ready to “break it” with a chicken lasagna, then this step-by-step is going to be very useful because you will not find an easier formula than this on the entire internet:

How to make chicken lasagna

Let’s go to the kitchen! It’s time to get your apron and utensils ready because this recipe screams for you to prepare it. Call your friends and family and tell them to get ready to eat the lasagna of history:

Preparation time45 minutesCooking time 35 minutesCategoryMain courseCookingItalianKeywordsOven, creamy, food, pastaFor how many people4PortionMediumCalories357Fat8.19 g


  • 400 grams of pasta for lasagna
  • 1/4 whole big-headed onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • a cup of milk
  • A cup of double cream cheese
  • 1/2 cup chicken broth
  • 1 teaspoon of oregano
  • 2 butter spoons
  • Half onion finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped celery
  • 2 cups of cooked and shredded chicken
  • Salt to taste
  • pepper to taste
  • 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
  • 2 cups of grated Manchego cheese to gratin
  • Chopped parsley
  • chopped oregano


Step 1. Boil

In a pot with hot water, add a little salt and submerge the lasagna pasta sheets. Allow them to cook for 5 minutes and remove them from the water.

Step 2. Blend

Add to the blender: the quarter of a big-headed onion, the clove of garlic, the cup of milk, the cup of the double cream cheese, half a cup of the chicken broth and a teaspoon of oregano. Process these ingredients for 3 minutes.

Step 3. Make the sauce

Now, take a big enough pan or pot and melt some butter in it. over medium heat Add the half finely chopped big-headed onion, the quarter cup of chopped celery, the two cups of shredded chicken and also add the mixture that resulted from the previous step, along with a little salt, stirring very well so that the ingredients are impregnated with their flavors. Let this cooking continue for 5 more minutes. At that point, add more parsley on top of this sauce.

Step 4. Bake

In a container that resists the heat of the oven, unfold the lasagna pasta sheets, making a layer at the bottom. Top with a layer of the chicken sauce and cover with the Manchego cheese. Repeat this same process of adding layers until you run out of batter or come close to the edge of the bowl. Sprinkle parsley and take the lasagna to the oven, leaving it for 15 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius (you must preheat the oven for about 10 minutes). It will be time to serve the lasagna, so cut it into as many portions as you like and take a big bite.

So that you don’t miss a single detail of the recipe, we share an explanatory video so that it will be very clear:

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