How to make a fast and easy paper boat?

learn how to make a paper boat in the simplest way possible and then have fun making it navigate in the water with the children of the house.

This is one of the activities that children like the most, it is the perfect opportunity to share with the family and spend a fun afternoon. Also, you don’t need a lot of materials to create your paper boat.

How to make a paper boat step by step

Paper boats are easy figures to create that are a lot of fun for the little ones in the house. And the best thing is that you only need a sheet of paper, so get to work!


Implements necessary

Time required

15 minutes

Estimated cost

$200 (COP)


1. Fold

After you have a sheet of the color of your choice at hand, what you should do is fold it in half. Then place it horizontally and fold the edges towards the center as if you wanted to form a pentagon. This will be the first part to learn how to make a paper boat.

2. Rotate

Then take the bottom folds and fold up this time wanting to form a hat, repeat the folds.

3. Finish

To finish, do it with the lower part until there is a triangle left and finish by opening the sides stretching towards the sides to obtain your paper boat. And ready! So easy you can make all the boats of the colors that you can think of and put them to sail.

If you want a more detailed step by step on how to make a paper boat, we leave you this image so that you have an even more practical guide.

This is a perfect activity to share with the family, if you want to learn to do other activities with the little ones in the house… We suggest this note so you can learn how to make homemade slime to play with the children.