How to live longer: plums to reduce the risk of cancer and hypertension ‘significantly’

There is growing evidence that diet is essential to prevent disease. Vegetables and fruits are associated with a lower risk of chronic diseases, due to their unique nutritional profiles.

A particular drink might increase the chances of living a long life due to its powerful antioxidants. The drink has also shown be successful in lowering high blood pressure.

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cancer risk

Fruits and vegetables are capable of inhibiting cancer cells thanks to their unparalleled concentrations of antioxidants.

Some sources argue that Prunes have antioxidants that rival those of blueberries due to their inimitable dietary fiber and polyphonic content.

According to research published in Critical Review in Food Science and Nutrition, the fruit and its derivatives could thwart cancer growth by preventing constipation.

To study these anti-cancer effects, researchers studied lab-prepared prune extract for its polyphenols and flavonoids.

«We found that PE60, a commercial plum extract, was rich in phenolic/flavonoid content and significantly inhibited colon cancer growth,» they wrote.

«Laboratory preparation of plum peel methanol extract when adjusted for polyphonic contents showed similar effects as PE60.»

Additionally, these same nutrients have been shown to have lowering effects on other precursors to disease such as high blood pressure.

high blood pressure

High blood pressure is a risk factor for countless complications and should be treated promptly.

Fortunately, there is evidence that prune juice could allow this significantly reduce blood pressure in the space of a few days.

Research has put its chips in the fact that prune juice’s ability to reduce hypertension is due to to its high potassium concentrations.

Potassium is key to many of the body’s key functions.

It helps the body maintain healthy fluid levels in cells, regulates muscle contractions, and balances sodium levels in the blood.

“Potassium is necessary for the normal functioning of all cells. It regulates the heartbeat, ensures proper muscle and nerve function, and is vital for synthesizing proteins and metabolizing carbohydrates,” explains Harvard Health.

«Diets that emphasize higher potassium intake can help keep blood pressure in a healthy rangecompared to low-potassium diets.

Because salt is abundant in the Western diet, optimizing potassium intake is key to avoiding cardiovascular heart problems.

In fact, research shows that higher potassium intake and low sodium intake could reduce the risk of stroke and other cardiovascular complications.

This was illustrated in a study that highlighted the ability of potassium to counteract high sodium levels, which is behind a variety of heart and circulatory problems.

In 2010, researchers found that people who drank prune juice or ate prunes daily they had lower blood pressure and a lower risk of hypertension.

A reduction in blood pressure was observed after a single dose of 11.5 grams of prunes.

What’s more, the double dose of prunes raised systolic blood pressure, which dictates the risk to cardiovascular health «significantly,» according to the researchers.