How to cut your toenails right?

If cutting your toenails is a nightmare for you because you draw blood or they become ingrown, you have to see this!

Cutting your toenails is hard, is a fact. Perhaps for some people it is easier, depending on its anatomical characteristics, but it is not like cutting off your hands, because if that were the case, there would be no podiatrists or expert beauticians in that part of the body.

How to cut your toenails right? Take note of the tips of Dr. John P. Fritz, an expert in foot care:

  • Cut them right after you get out of a hot bath so your nails are soft
  • Your nail clipper must be personal, do not share it with anyone; don’t use it on your hands either
  • Cut them straight, never curved or rounded
  • Do not cut them too much, always leave a millimeter of «white part»
  • Avoid cutting the sides of your nails, as this is how they ingrow
  • Do not run the cuticle of your feet when you cut your nails, they protect your fingers from bacteria and infections
  • File your nails after cutting them

also vibrates with: Tips for long and strong nails

After you cut your toenails, paint them!

This week: Learn how to paint your toenails

– Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) September 18, 2016

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