How to continue doing sports at home?

After the announcement of the availability of a single collective permit for high-performance athletes and professional footballersthese will now be able to train again during the quarantine, while for the moment the amateur athletes will have to continue with the practices from the confinement while waiting for specific measures for the group.

Rodrigo Munozacademic of the Kinesiology career at the University of the Americas, Viña del Mar, and triathlete does 26 yearscomments that this pandemic time has not been easy for amateur athletes, mainly because it has generated changes in their training routines due to quarantine, having to continue with them since confinement.

“Many have sought to maintain their physical condition during this period with resources available at home, using online applications, acquiring sports equipment or even following the training of professional athletes who practice at home. For the amateur athlete it is difficult to replicate this last experience, and It is not recommended, because it does not have the time or the necessary infrastructure for itnor direct advice from a distance, so you run the risk of joint or muscle injuries ”, expresses the kinesiologist, who details what are the fundamental aspects of training for an amateur athlete in this time of quarantine to favor a much sporting return. more prepared and without risk of injury.


Working on this aspect is essential to avoid future injuries, especially the strength of the muscles that give stability to the spine. If these weaken there will be greater overload on the discs and instability in the joints of the upper and lower limbs, so exercises are suggested to strengthen the Abdominal core, pelvis and glutes. You should also train the strength of the muscle groups that work the most in the sport you do, for example, back and upper limbs in swimming, lower limbs in soccer and cycling.


Flexibility is also essential to avoid injuries. Exercises for upper and lower limbs and spine are recommendedwhich will also have a positive impact on those athletes who are telecommuting and who spend long hours sitting in front of a computer.

Aerobic resistance

Aerobic endurance is the body’s ability to maintain moderate and/or high intensity physical activity for as long as possible. There are several ways to train it. One of them, and that only needs a space of 2 m2 and a rope, is to jump on the spot; another do skipping or also an exercise that is very complete, the burpees. Avoid jogging inside a home, because being small spaces, sudden turns and decelerations are generated, generating a greater risk of injury.

mental and emotional stability

Taking care of the mental and emotional state is essential. The level of anxiety of this athlete is very high, not knowing when he will be able to train normally or resume his competitive level. Practicing meditation or relaxation at least once a week is very beneficial, as is yoga or Mindfulness, a technique widely used to work on concentration.

weekly training plan

It is suggested to develop a weekly training schedule, which contains two strength sessions of specific muscles of the discipline, two strength sessions of stabilizing muscles of the spine and two training sessions focused on aerobic resistance, plus a day of rest to develop meditation or Mindfulness. It is advisable to work the muscles that make up the abdominal core, the stabilizing muscles of the hip and pelvis, such as the gluteal muscle group and the muscle group that stabilizes the knee, such as the quadriceps and hamstrings.

Suggested apps for training

zwift Y bkool for cyclists and triathletes, NikeTraining Club for runners. In Virtual Trainer, Sworkit Lite Y Teemo There are specific exercise routines to perform at home. Rodrigo Muñoz, academic of the Kinesiology course at the University of the Americas