How the quarter moon in Cancer affects each zodiac sign throughout the month of April 2022

Because this quarter moon is in Cancer, this event will engage our emotions; our choices will come from the heart .

We may be on the brink of a breakthrough, and during this transit we will both recognize that we are going through it as we move into the next phase of change. What we choose to do today is what determines what tomorrow will look like.

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The Quarter Moon in Cancer deals with family, health, work, and romance. This implies that for each of these topics, we must focus and pay attention. If we’re halfway there in health, that means we need to make the right health decisions today, not tomorrow. In the family, we must take care of today, not tomorrow. At work it’s the same, and in romance too. This halfway mark is the deciding factor in what makes or breaks us tomorrow. That’s heavy.

This cosmic event will affect each and every one of us, not just certain signs in particular. This transit is the fire that lights up beneath us, the message that gets us going, the muse that inspires the next move. We are all on the verge of starting something new or slipping back into the redundant. What’s it gonna be?

Read on to see how the quarter moon in Cancer affects each zodiac sign throughout the month of April 2022:

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

What you’ve been doing lately is sinking into the mire of negativity, and now is your chance to shake it off. Between the bad dreams and the constant anticipation of disaster, you’ve gone mad. This is not you! You prefer yourself as the crazy, carefree Aries who can take on the world. The Lunar Quarter in Cancer gives you this opportunity. Do something about it.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

You’ve wanted to do something daring for a while, but you’ve been too scared to try. You don’t like yourself for being a coward, and inside you know that you are more than this. You love spontaneity and risk, but have hidden it out of fear. Now is the time to throw that fear out the window and get to the experience of life. With the Moon in Cancer, you will be in touch with your feelings. Act on them. The time to sit at home is over.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

You’ve been indecisive when it comes to what you really want to do with the rest of your life, and during the Moon in Cancer, you’ll come to terms with the fact that it’s now or never. Action calls you, Gemini; the time of sitting around, licking your wounds has come to an end. You can continue, growing mold, going nowhere, or you can jump on board and live your life to the fullest.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

You are at the breaking point, mentally and emotionally; You need a change and you need it now. But you also have to realize that it is YOU who makes the change in your own life. No one comes to save you. With the Crescent in Cancer, you have the opportunity to take the power of the things that make you come alive. Go for life, Cancer. Enough is enough, you need to take action NOW.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

You have noticed that you have regressed and that you are not as on point as you used to be. That’s not because you’re getting older, but because you haven’t had the courage to be the person you know you should be. This is a crucial transit for you, and you must act now or miss the boat. Halfway to You allows you to take a step towards your new and improved life, but it is YOU who has to decide that this is what you want.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

What this Quarter Moon in Cancer brings you is the recognition that either you make the move, or you slip away into the dark. And this is purely work related. He has been a good and polite employee and seems to have been abused because of his kindness. Not to mention incredibly underpaid. This is your moment, Virgo. Ask for more money. Do not miss this opportunity.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Your Cancer Crescent experience revolves around love. They may be in a relationship that has taken a toll on both of them, but they still love each other fiercely. You are at the point where you could end it or plan a new beginning. This is your life, Libra, and the person you love is a big part of it. Make the effort. Make this halfway mark count. Go for the gold.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

You are extremely sensitive and intuitive and the Cancer Crescent just goes to make that super clear. That means if there’s something on your mind, something that hasn’t been completed or taken care of, it’s time to make a decision: do it or don’t do it. But know this: your choice will resonate throughout your life. Choose wisely, but choose. Be an active participant in your own life.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

You have been wondering if you should take the plunge and commit to a love relationship. There is someone in your life who has basically been begging you to commit, and it turned you off. The Crescent in Cancer makes it clear to you: Make up your mind now, Sagittarius. Life is short. Either go with this person or set them free. Do not be selfish.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

You are at a milestone in your life, right now. With the Moon in Cancer, you will feel it in your bones. All you need is the courage to make the move, and only you know what that move is. One thing is for sure, what you choose will define the rest of your days here on Earth. If what is needed is a change, act now. Do what you propose and get down to work, Capricorn. No more time wasting time.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

On April 9 you will finish something. And there’s a good chance it’s health related. This means that you have the choice to do what is right for you or take the unhealthy path, which is what brought you to this place today. You have to ask yourself if the lifestyle you’ve been living is right for you, as it hasn’t really given you much more than worry. It’s time to change your bad habits. Your efforts will pay off.

Pisces (February 19 – March 10)

This one is about money. The Crescent in Cancer is a wake-up call. Do you get what you want from your job? Are you getting paid what you’re worth, and if not, WHY NOT? This is the time for you to accept that you are being used or to do something about it. You are being used, Pisces. Defend yourself. Do it. Now.