How the end of Mercury retrograde affects your zodiac sign from February 3

No one escapes retrograde as its backward movement tends to attract our own gravity, here on Earth.

Retrogrades occur with all planets, but when Mercury is the main event, we reap the effects of miscommunication, insulting conversations, technological failures, relationship trauma, and so on.

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When we experience Mercury retrograde, we experience Problems, failures, financial losses, job loss… even health problems can arise.

So it makes sense that when Mercury turns direct, as it begins to do so on February 3, 2022, it’s a time to rejoice.

Yes, things seem to be back to ‘normal’. Each sign experiences direct movement in their own personal way.

Mercury direct horoscopes for all zodiac signs as of February 3, 2022:

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Expect to solve something of a mystery. Something that has been tormenting your life and creating confusion will finally be resolved thanks to the direct movement of Mercury.

It takes a few days to feel confident about the new changes, but you can count on the fact that your life will be less confusing now. The focus comes back to you in an obvious and creative way.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

You like to take your time with almost everything. During Mercury retrograde, that kind of attitude worked for you, but during Mercury direct, you’ll have to pick up your pace a bit if you want to stay relevant.

Act accordingly and you will see a renewed flow of cash in your bank account. Focus is key, as is momentum. Don’t give in to your lazy side just yet, keep making progress.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Finally, you will find yourself being understood, but not only that; you will have the opportunity to make something very clear to someone who needed your opinion.

Retrograde took away all your opportunities to speak, and now that we’re direct, you can express yourself to your heart’s content. Do it. Let it go. Say what’s on your mind and take charge.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Your best bet is to flow with what is about to happen, no matter how little you trust it.

What has happened is that this retrograde past has made you afraid to trust people’s opinions, and now that we’re on Mercury direct, you’re stuck with that same distrust, only now there’s no reason for you to feel that way.

It’s about restoring balance in your life. You know what to do, Cancer, but you have to be open to get to that stage.

Leon (July 23 – August 22)

Wait another day or two, and then revisit an investment. He stood by and watched warily as his financial situation seemed dire. You knew it wouldn’t collapse because you also knew how to hold on at the right time.

Well the tides have turned and now it’s time for you to jump again. Money-related endeavors are worth spending time on. And his clear thinking will certainly take him to a better place.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

During Mercury Direct, you’ll find that things start to work a little better in the office or workplace.

That computer you ordered. It’s finally here. That co-worker who wouldn’t shut up? They will get a warning.

The retrograde frenzy really hit your work environment, so be glad it’s over now. Everything about work should start to smooth out during Mercury Direct.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

After spending a lot of time with doubts and neurotic reactions with almost everyone around you, you should start to feel a little more at ease with the world now that we’re in direct Mercury.

You’ve really been punishing yourself now and it’s time for that kind of self-destructive behavior to come to an end. If there is a lesson to be learned, hopefully you have already learned it.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

You, Scorpio in particular, will feel a palpable sense of relief when Mercury goes direct on February 3rd.

You have been experiencing life as a raw nerve for the last few weeks, and the direct movement of the planet will give you a well-deserved break from this heightened sense of emotional jitters.

While you never avoid nervous energy, you’ve had enough for a while and you’ll welcome the calm that comes after this storm.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

It is very likely that you have tried to run away, get away, or take a vacation for the last few weeks, only to have had every single opportunity taken away from you, one way or another.

Well, with Mercury Direct, you’ll be able to rebook those flights or make plans with friends—the kind of plans that really happen.

Freedom has returned to you, Sagittarius, so you’ll be glad to know that you can escape if you wish.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

If you’ve been holding back or avoiding making large purchases or investments, now you can get back into those financial waters.

Direct Mercury eliminates miscalculations and leaves you with a clear path to the success you desire.

Doubts will vanish and you’ll feel much more like a player again, rather than a spectator watching your own life go by.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

You’ve woken up on the other side of Mercury retrograde and realized you’ve lost a friend, gotten into too many fights with acquaintances, and nearly lost your mind in the past few weeks.

Why? Why the hell are you so broken and can you go back to your previous ‘happy’ state? Of course you can, and of course you will.

Remember, Mercury retrograde is a tricky one, but it’s nothing you can’t beat, especially when the planet goes direct.

Pisces (February 19 – March 10)

What made no sense just a few days ago now rings true and appears as clear as the day is long.

This direct planetary movement will cause you to make a complete change when it comes to confusion, misunderstandings and overly emotional reactions.

You will begin to feel balanced as this direct movement continues. What you thought was hysteria has now been transformed into balance and calm.