How much would it cost to see Aura Cristina Geithner on OnlyFans?

Aura Cristina Geithner would enter OnlyFansas reported by several Mexican media, and this is what a month of access would cost.

If you thought that Aura Cristina Geithner’s publications were quite risqué, wait until you see the new service that she would be offering. This is her debut on the OnlyFans platform.

“I am preparing surprises for my followers who are always aware of my photos.”

The Colombian-Mexican would have said in a story on her Instagram account.

What is the OnlyFans page?

It is a platform where users can earn money by selling their content, which can be of all kinds, from academic to musical, however, the majority of what is offered is erotic.

How much will it cost to see Aura Cristina Geithner on OnlyFans?

As reported by the actress, also presumably through her stories on Instagram, the registration for one month will cost approximately 35 thousand Colombian pesos and a personalized greeting with a signed photo will cost about $88,000 COP.

Although it has not yet been confirmed when her site will go on the air on the controversial platform, nor has her username been reported, many Internet users are already waiting, since they take it for granted that it is a reality, because the bay filly has even been branded vulgar for her posts on social media.

What do you think of the alleged incursion of this diva in OnlyFans? Write what you think in the comments of this note, and share it on your social networks!