How each zodiac sign acts when anxious, according to astrology

Sure, some horoscopes deal with nervousness much more often than others, but whether it’s a common thing for you or it comes and goes, we all deal with it (and we all handle it differently).

Being nervous can come from many different situations; There’s really no way to list them all or say exactly what will make someone nervous unless they tell you beforehand.

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However, for many people, ordinary things like public speaking, interviews, meeting new people, and spending time with family can cause anxiety.

It’s something we ponder for hours, days, or even weeks before it actually happens, which means we are doing a number on our bodies and minds that lead to that thing that will be over before you know it.

Trust me, I’m not trying to preach that you shouldn’t let things get on your nerves; I can also be a big ball of nervous energy at times.

I just want to say that Being nervous can do a lot more damage than we think to ourselves.

When you feel nervous, you probably you exhibit any anxious behavior. Maybe you shake your leg, walk, bite your nails, or have other physical ticks.

Or maybe you deal with internalized signs when you’re nervous, like isolate yourself, stomach aches and headaches, or dry mouth.

And then some of us are the ones who express our nervousness the most, yelling at others who are trying to ask us what’s wrong or that we can’t stop talking about why we’re so nervous.

There are MANY ways we show how anxious we are, but whether we are better at hiding these signs or not, there is even more going on below the surface when we get nervous.

Sure, there is a lot of mental activity when we get nervous, but there are also a lot of physical things that happen to our bodies, things that are much worse than having to do your nails because you cut them with your teeth.

Feeling nervous can lead to things like a racing heart, sweating, skin problems and acneand even getting that nervous can lead to paralysis.

Obviously it’s hard not to get caught up in what makes us nervous, but we can definitely try.

I know for a fact that someone telling me to stop thinking about it doesn’t help, but meditation does.

Doing breathing exercises, staying hydrated, eating healthy, getting enough rest, and staying on top of your stress levels are all ways to prevent nervousness from becoming so bad you can barely function.

And of course, knowing exactly how you handle being nervous can help you recognize the signs before things get out of hand. It IS possible to better control your nervous energy; it just takes time and practice!

According to astrology, this is how you act when you’re nervous, based on your zodiac sign.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Feeling nervous around you, Aries is like an electric shock to your nervous system…no pun intended.

If you can’t fix what’s making you nervous right away, you tend to get frustrated or angry. Why isn’t this as easy to control as everything else?!

You also tend to be very impulsive when you’re nervous;

Perhaps you hope to shake the Nerve Monster off your back with your recklessness? Who knows. What we do know is that he will run away from facing the problem or when he feels too cornered.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

When you’re nervous, Taurus, you have two speeds: either you’re relaxed to the point of being catatonic, or you’re so nervous that anxiety seems to emanate from you in waves.

In other words, nervousness can make you go from zero to 100 REALLY fast.

Sometimes, you are so nervous that you can hardly function.

In fact, you can be SO nervous that you don’t even act like you are because you’re so overwhelmed by the feeling. Other times, someone may walk into a room and just feel it on you.

When you get nervous, it’s a total mess.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini, you tend to tell people you’re nervous (literally saying «I’m nervous») because it seems like the most obvious way to handle it.

Talking things out is easier for you, but it often turns into serious word spewing. Once you start talking about it, you can’t stop. Absolutely.

Of course, you can certainly admit that you’re nervous, but you have no idea what to do about it.

You can acknowledge what you feel when you feel it, but you’ll also probably shrug it off if someone asks how you’re going to deal with it. Who knows? You certainly don’t.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Nervousness makes you too sensitive, Cancer. It’s all with good intentions (and you know it), but you’ll still yell at someone just for asking if you’re okay.

What can you say? You usually know how to deal with your emotions, but things like nervousness drive you a little crazy.

When you’re nervous, you tend to feel pessimistic about it.

You’ll probably talk about never being nervous again, even though you know that’s not true.

You will most likely isolate yourself and have a pity party over it instead of just accepting it and moving on.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Leo, you exhibit the most dramatic and visible signs of nervousness of all the zodiac signs. You live for drama, and this is especially true when you don’t feel like yourself.

How else will people know you’re feeling nervous, right?

She tends to bite her nails, shake her leg, and obsessively touch her hair.

While these signs are all genuine and you really are nervous about something, you still want others to notice that you’re acting nervous, even if you’re refusing help for the sake of drama and attention.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo, you tend to become seriously obsessive when you feel nervous.

You tend to get in your head and never get out, overthinking things and generally making things worse for yourself.

All you can think is, «Nervous, nervous, nervous,» over and over again.

In addition to thinking too much, you also talk too much. You talk about what makes you nervous or just your nervousness in general until the end of time.

You will definitely let your neurotic behavior control your thoughts and actions, but you will never stop long enough to solve the problem.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Libra, you love it when things come together easily (doesn’t everyone?), but we both know that life is never that easy.

When you’re nervous, you don’t just feel overwhelmed by everything that happens. You also feel overwhelmed with what you can do to make things better.

It’s just TOO MUCH.

There are so many ways to combat nervousness that you end up doing nothing about it. You are frozen by so many options that you end up praying that it will eventually go away.

You’re not the best at making decisions, even when you know you should.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio, either you are nervous about something or you are not, there is no middle ground. Either you know how to handle a situation like a boss or you get carried away by nervousness.

It may look bad on the outside, but it’s much worse for you on the inside.

When you are nervous, you are totally consumed by the emotion that paralyzes you.

You absolutely cannot function like a normal human being because you let your nervousness take over every aspect of your life.

There is no way to stop it: once it starts, you are stuck.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius, you’re usually so good at controlling your emotions that when you feel nervous, you realize you’re not as in control as you thought you were.

When you are nervous or anxious, you tend to lash out at others. Being out of control makes you angry, but it’s really misplaced anger.

You really are mad at yourself for letting something so trivial take over your usually calm demeanor.

You hate not being able to snap your fingers and have your nervousness go away; the feeling of overwhelming nervousness tends to take its toll on you.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

You have a philosophy, Capricorn: if something isn’t easy to fix, you sweep it under the rug and hope it will eventually go away.

When you feel nervous, you try to get over the strange and uncomfortable emotion without realizing that all you are doing is ignoring the real problem.

Surprisingly, you are actually amazing at helping others deal with their feelings.

Even if all you do is tell them to be bummed out because they’re bad bitches that can handle anything, you still help people.

Unfortunately, you suck at doing the same thing yourself. What’s up, Universe?!

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Dealing with (and feeling) each and every emotion just gives you goosebumps, Aquarius.

You would rather be a robot with no emotions than a human with emotions because emotions get messy and unpredictable, which is not good for someone who hates surprises.

When you are nervous, you try to rationalize your feelings without confronting them; You like to take an analytical approach to handling problems.

He will even convince himself that he is not nervous simply because that is what he chooses to think, even if he knows that it is not true.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces, you are never really sure how to approach your nervousness, you just know that you feel nervous.

You often feel overwhelmed (not just when you’re nervous) and become totally helpless when you realize that addressing your nervousness takes a lot of work.

Whether you want to admit it or not, you are very codependent on the people in your life.

You assume that your friends and family should always take care of you (and solve your problems for you), instead of handling your problems yourself. Sometimes being him is just too hard.