Horoscope: Wednesday, December 9


ARIES (March 21 – April 20).

The day will be the least suitable to make decisions of a certain relevance, you can have too many things in your head and make blunders. You will be interested in taking a day of absolute transition.

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TAURUS (April 21 – May 20).

Tendency to emotional insecurity, especially in matters related to work or business. Consult a therapist if you do not see yourself able to cope. You must take things in a more balanced way, run away from chaos as much as possible.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 21).

You need to show more clearly your positive attitude regarding your current romantic relationship. If you find it difficult to express these feelings, you should think very seriously about moving forward.

CANCER (June 22 – July 22).

If you are without a partner, music will help you in one way or another to relate to people who are looking for the same thing as you and who have the same vital concerns as you. If you already have a better half, some songs will take you to your best moments.

LEO (July 23 – August 22).

Tendency to stubbornness; You will want to maintain your position and make your way of doing things very clear. Watch your back because you can cause some discussion against you. Personally, it seems that the problems are being solved.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 21).

Somewhat delicate health news that will affect a member of your family. Try to calm down and transmit optimism to others. Take things easy, because everything will be resolved in a reasonable period of time.

LIBRA (September 22 – October 22).

You are going through a stage of well-being and accommodation in your sentimental life, which causes envy and suspicion in the people around you. Get on with your life and don’t try to solve other people’s problems; everyone must assume what they have.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21).

Your sign is still in a negative zone, but the pendulum effect will make it change in a matter of hours. Get out of the house, relax with friends and let yourself be carried away by good company. Not recommended moments to start affective relationships.

RELATED What Makes a Scorpio Happy?

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 22).

You will embark on a very large project and you will feel your strength loosen throughout the day. Do not lose control and trust your possibilities, since you have all the capabilities you need to achieve your goals. Watch out for accumulated fatigue.

CAPRICORN (December 23 – January 21).

Those born under this sign will have to fight a battle today to defend their opinions, applying the necessary vehemence to be heard, which is generally the difficult part. Once this first objective is achieved, victory will be easy.

AQUARIUS (January 22 – February 21).

You may be tempted at this time to abandon yourself to negative thoughts, which you will believe are premonitions or feelings of fear, surely unfounded. Try to surround yourself with loved ones and this bad streak will pass quickly.

RELATED What happens when you ignore an Aquarius man?

PISCES (February 22 – March 20).

If you have changed your image, both in your person and in your clothing, you will be the center of attention at work meetings or with friends. Seduction will be your main weapon, but it can be counterproductive in business.

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