Greater security in condominiums? Points to consider when hiring a specialized guard

The last National Urban Survey of Citizen Security (Enusc) showed that during the year 2020, 19.2% of households in the country declare having been the victim of a crimefigure -4.5 percentage points (pp) lower than that registered in 2019, and which is the lowest since 2012. Even so, 84.3% of those surveyed perceived that crime increased in the country .

This is why having the support and constant monitoring of a security guard in a condominium is a very important need these days thanks to the increase in crime. It is that despite the importance, their presence is not always available in condominiums of houses or buildingsso it is important to understand what their functions are and how they will contribute to community life.

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In fact, the private security regulation of the Ministry of the Interior defines the security guard as a natural person, who provides private security services, and that protects people and/or goods, within a certain enclosure or area. It is very important to be able to make the decision to hire him collectively, based on the high crime and insecurity figures.

For this reason, CUSP (Private Security Unit Center) developed the following points to avoid problems in the future.

Flawless Conduct

Not be currently accused or have been convicted of a crime or misdemeanor. In addition, not having been sanctioned for acts of domestic violence in accordance with Law No. 20,066. Obviously not being formalized, and being of legal age.

Clarity in your work

Another important point is to have physical and mental conditions compatible with the tasks to be performed, because you will surely see many complex situations during your shifts.

Education and Training

Fabiola Pine, National Director of CUSP (Private Security Unit Center), assures that “they must have completed secondary education or its equivalent. Later, take into account that they must wear a uniform with the specifications indicated in Decree 867 and that the security guard is not authorized to possess firearms in the performance of his duties. In addition, they are responsible for the training and certification of people, taking the OS 10 Course, passing the exams of the corresponding training courses, as required by the Supervisory Authority in matters of Private Security.

if you are a foreigner

Manage the Spanish language, and have the definitive permanence

The situation of security companies in Chile

Carabineros de Chile registered until April 2018, the existence of 1,705 current private security companies with human resources in Chile. The largest concentration of these companies is found in the Metropolitan Region, reaching 750, followed by Biobío with 209 and Valparaíso, with 133.