Ginger: How to lose weight by adding it to your diet

Ginger is a delicious food, which also has many health benefits, and can be combined of many ways in order to add it in different preparations. We can prepare it juices and smoothiesin the famous cookiesor for the sushiin meatsand in desserts. And in many other ways.

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This brilliant rhizome probably originated as terrestrial flora in lowland tropical forests in southern parts of Asia.

And if there are those who know of its wonders, they are the inhabitants of the India as it is very popular and representative of the gastronomic culture of Indian households. It has also been used as a popular herb in traditional medicines such as Ayurvedic (which is the traditional medicine of India) and also in naturopathy to cure various ailments, thanks to its properties antioxidants, phytochemicals Y anti-inflammatory. Now, new research suggests that ginger may be the ultimate weight loss weapon. It may also offer potential benefits against chronic disorders such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, etc., as noted in the study published in Annals of the New York Academy of Scienceswhere a review of 60 experiments carried out in cell cultures, laboratory animals and also in humans is reported.

The findings of this research suggest that consuming ginger can potentially increase calorie burning while suppressing hunger, both aspects are essential to lose weight, especially in adults who suffer from some degree of obesity.

An animal study reviewed for this report finds that there has been significant weight loss in rats after they were fed ginger. Apart from this, ginger also reduced systemic inflammation, cholesterol and the levels ofand blood sugar while protecting them against the harmful effects of the disease of the non-alcoholic fatty liver.

All that said, we can understand that this hot spice can also stop the cellular aging process while reducing the risk of atherosclerosiswhich is a condition characterized by the accumulation of fat in the arteries.

Ginger is endowed with compounds known as gingerols Y shogaoles. Recent studies suggest that these substances stimulate certain biological activities in the body, thus they may have an anti-obesity effect. Also speed up metabolismand a very important factor is that it contributes to weight loss.

ginger with lemon

One of the simplest and most common ways to consume ginger is with lemon juice for weight loss. Lemon juice can act as an appetite suppressant. In addition, it gives you a daily dose of vitamin C, an essential nutrient that boosts your immunity. In addition, adding a few drops of lemon to your ginger tea or drink allows you to keep your body hydrated and feeling full for a long time with few calories.

To maximize the benefits of loss take an infusion of ginger and lemon two or three times a day.

Ginger and apple cider vinegar

The easiest way to have these two ingredients is to simply mix ginger and apple cider vinegar together and drink it. The slimming properties of apple cider vinegar, added to those of ginger, will work wonders in the battle against excess weight. Furthermore, the elements probiotics and the antioxidant properties of apple cider vinegar will offer you additional health benefits as you strive to lose those extra pounds.

An interesting way to have these two ingredients could be to add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your ginger tea. However, make sure you mix it only after the tea gets cold. Hot water can kill the healthy bacteria in apple cider vinegar. You can also squeeze some lemon into this drink for more benefits. Ideally, you should drink this tea on an empty stomach in the morning.

Green tea with ginger

If you want to lose weight and enjoy tea, then drinking green tea with ginger is like having the best of both worlds. They both have properties that help you shed those extra pounds. A common factor between them is their ability to boost metabolismessential for your battle against obesity.

Cut the ginger into small, thin pieces and put them in your green tea while it boils. You can have this drink twice a day.

ginger juice

To prepare a rich juice is very simple. add a little honey and lemon juice to the ginger water, thereby removing the pungent taste of this popular Indian spice.

This ginger drink will also offer immune-boosting benefits while keeping you hydrated. You can add mint to decorate. One or two ice cubes will make this drink a little more interesting. Drink ginger juice once a day to suppress hunger in a healthy way.

Carrot cream with ginger

If we have learned anything from Colombian cuisine, it is that they know how to mix ingredients to achieve soups and creams with delicious flavors and many natural benefits. One of them is carrot and ginger cream.

To prepare it is very simple, you just have to fry onion in a pot, along with butter until the mixture is transparent. Then add the carrots in pieces and sauté for a few minutes.

After that add the ginger, pour the broth, heat and let cook until all the carrots are soft (approximately 20 minutes).

Then blend the soup until you have a very smooth mixture. Return the cream to the pot, rectify the flavor and bring to a boil.

Serve with cream, parmesan cheese, potato chips on top to make it great.

Long live ginger!

As you can see, you can make many preparations with ginger, and these that we mention are those that, being the simplest, also help you lose weight.

Obviously there are many other ways to add it to your diet, in desserts for example, in meats or more caloric soups. So now it’s time for you to start playing with the many combinations and recommend this article to your friends.

And well, for Christmas you know, don’t forget to prepare the gingerbread cookies!