Fun conversation starters, goodbye awkward silences!

If you are one of those hates feeling an awkward silence in social contexts, here are several fun conversation starters.

Although there are those who believe that those who keep silent are mysterious, the truth is that human beings we find nice those who talk to us and are interested in us.

The problem is that we often run out of topics, and those awkward silences in which our hands sweat and we feel how the colors are rising to our faces.

How to bring up interesting conversation topics? Here we give you 7 options

If you have asked yourself several times what to talk about with your partner and it bothers you to have moments where you are speechless in the middle of a conversation, We offer you pleasant, non-offensive and entertaining topics, for all occasions!

Movies and series

Surely you will have a positive response from your interlocutors if you talk about this. In addition to what’s on the movie and TV schedule, now too you can put Netflix on the table. They won’t stop for hours!


You don’t have to tell jokes to break the ice, especially if you’re not good at it, but you can talk about it, for example by asking about your favorite comedian or bringing up a funny meme from online.

Food, the trusty old lady of fun topics

All human beings eat and we have a list of foods that we love and another of those that we hate, that’s why the talk will be inexhaustible, you can even add allergies and intolerances, and you’ll see!

childhood stories

Many of the best conversations we’ve had in our lives start with «when I was little…», so use it! It doesn’t fail.

Children, nephews, brothers and other children of our lives

Just as childhood is an inexhaustible source of dialogue, in the same way it happens with the children of our family; Even if we don’t have children, we always have one close by who brightens our days and who we can count on as well as graces typical of his age.


Although some people get tired talking about their luxurious and elitist trips, it can be interesting if you find a common destination, hopefully not very aspirational and close to most of those present: Melgar, Girardot, Anapoima, etc.

And finally in our top of fun topics to talk about with your partner: Pets and animals in general

This arouses love and hate, so we have to treat it with care, but it can be a lot of fun if we focus not on tastes, but on funny anecdotes common to coexistence with all species.

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With information from: The feminine guide, Psychology and mind Y the world today