Dementia: 5 Early Signs of Alzheimer’s in a 40, 50 or 60 Year Old

Early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, a form of dementia, can manifest itself in small ways once a person approaching middle age.

It may start as a forgetfulness that can easily be overlooked. The dementia charity Alzheimer’s Research UK referred to memory problems. «This may include forgetting recent messages or events that would normally be remembered, or repeating questions«, noted the charity.

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Another indication of brain involvement are more episodes of confusion.

The affected person can be confused with unknown people and lose the sense of time and place.

A person with early-onset Alzheimer’s may also experience some behavioral changes:

  • I am frequently in a bad mood
  • more cranky
  • Less security and independence.

Alzheimer’s disease can also make a person lose interest in activities you once enjoyed.

These symptoms can be indicative of depressionso it’s helpful to know the other warning signs of the brain condition.

For example, the condition of the brain can make a person find it difficult to find the right words to communicate; this is known as aphasia.

NHS experts expanded on what aphasia is and how it can manifest in people.

«Aphasia is when a person has difficulties with their language or speech,» the experts said.

people with aphasia often have trouble with the four main ways people understand and use language. These are:

  • Read
  • Listen
  • When talking
  • Type or write.

Aphasia can appear when the person «Use the wrong sounds in a word.»

Or the person could choose the wrong word or put words together incorrectly.

Although aphasia can affect a person’s ability to communicate, does not affect your intelligence.

Another possible sign of Alzheimer’s disease is when the person finds it difficult to recognize objects or judge speed or distance

Evidence suggests that early-onset Alzheimer’s disease may progress more rapidly than in older adults.

However, each person’s experience and response to the disease is different.

Early warning signs of early-onset Alzheimer’s disease:

  • Memory problems
  • Increased periods of confusion.
  • Humor changes
  • Difficulty finding the right words.
  • Difficulty recognizing objects.

As soon as someone suspects dementia, it is recommended to visit a doctor.

Once at the doctor’s office, you can discuss your concerns and memory tests may be performed.

Some people may be referred to a memory clinic for further specialized testing.

Getting an early diagnosis is important as it means a person can get their affairs in order while you still have the time and capabilities to do so.