Confirmed: drinking beer makes the bust grow

This is a very valid reason to drink beer, because we know that many VibraLovers they prefer it over other types of liquors, do you like it?

It seems to us a refreshing drink and, although we do not consume it in excess, it is the favorite when we go out with our friends.

Why does drinking beer make the bust grow?

The reason has to do with a study that did the University of Sydney and in it they confirm that the frequent consumption of beer can make you increase in 1 to 2 bra sizes.

The beer contains phytoestrogensthese are chemical compounds that are found in some vegetables and favor the growth of the breasts.

The explanation is very similar to what happens with some contraceptive pills that contain estrogencertain women may experience breast enlargement, of course in addition to weight.

But this does not happen only to women, it could also happen to men, beer could also alter the size of your chest and increase your breasts.

To notice changes, it is recommended to consume it in moderation and practice physical activity, so these will not affect you aggressively.

Finally, in our body the changes are very sudden and the consumption of beer in excess could not only increase the size of your breasts, but also the weight and your body fat.