We do not want to worry you with this article, just as we have made these mistakes frequently without realizing it, leaving our home halfway.
We recommend you take note of what you will see below because we will also tell you how to solve it.
Top common mistakes when cleaning your home
Mistake #1: Using the same rag to clean everything
No matter what liquid you use to clean, when you use the same rag in multiple places around the house, the rag hangs off the surface of the previous dirt and spreads it to the one it touches next. That means bathroom germs are shed on kitchen counters, the living room coffee table, and anywhere else the fabric is used.
Solution: Use a rag for each surface you clean or for each area of your home. Microfiber cleaning cloths can be thrown in with your clothes or washed thoroughly after each use to remove debris or dirt.
Mistake #2: Using a Duster
No matter how many times they tell you in advertisements that pens «catch and hold dust,» they don’t. Dusters are notorious for spreading dust around a surface or pushing it to the ground, rather than removing it.
Solution: Use a microfiber cleaning cloth or disposable paper towel with the appropriate cleaning solution, depending on the surface to be cleaned.
Mistake #3: Not cleaning the vacuum
When an empty filter hasn’t been changed or cleaned in a while, not only can your vacuum not pick up dirt and dust like it should, but what’s inside starts to come back.
Solution: Change or empty bags or containers immediately after they are full. Clean the vacuum attachments, hose, and vent with a damp microfiber cleaning cloth or damp paper towel, making sure the vacuum has been unplugged first.
Mistake #4: Placing a new toilet brush in your bathroom holder immediately
If the toilet brush is returned to its holder immediately after use, moisture and germs from the toilet brush are trapped in the container and brush, where they breed and multiply. These germs then rub back into your toilet the next time you use the brush.
Solution: After cleaning, let the toilet brush dry completely before returning it to its holder.
Mistake #5: Skipping the sink
The sink breeds germs and bacteria quickly because it is a moist environment where food particles tend to get stuck. This problem is exacerbated when food or standing water is left in the sink, drain, or garbage disposal.
Solution: Clean the sink after each use and use baking soda weekly to rid the drain and garbage disposal of germs.
Mistake #6: Cleaning from the ground up
Why it’s dirty: Sweeping, mopping, or vacuuming the floor before cleaning furniture causes dust and crumbs to fall from tables, counters, and shelves, requiring you to re-clean the floor.
Solution: Clean a room from top to bottom. Start with windows, move on to tables, counters, chairs and couches, side and coffee tables, and finish with flooring.
Mistake #7: Spraying cleaner directly on a surface
Spraying a cleaner directly onto furniture, countertops, or glass can cause a buildup of the solution, leading to greasy furniture and surfaces, and scratched windows. This could also cause dirt and dust to stick to them more firmly.
Solution: Spray the cleaning solution on a microfiber cloth or disposable paper towel, then wipe down the surfaces.
Mistake #8: Not cleaning the washing machine
Skin cells, dust mites, and stains from clothes can remain in the washing machine drum, as well as on the lid or door and detergent dispenser. This leads to washing clothes in dirty water and eventually, they will become stinky.
Solution: For a top load washer, starts at its longest, hottest wash setting. When the drum is almost full of water, pour in 1 liter of vinegar and 1 cup of baking soda, leave the lid open, and let the mixture sit on the pause cycle for at least an hour. While the cycle is paused, clean the lid and any other visible nooks and crannies.
Close the lid, allowing the wash cycle to run. Repeat the vinegar and baking soda solution, if necessary, then wipe down the inside of the washer, leaving the lid open to allow the washer to dry completely.
For a front load washer, pour a solution of ¼ cup of baking soda and water into the detergent compartment and pour 2 cups of vinegar into the drum. Set your washing machine to the highest temperature and let it do its thing. When the cycle is done, clean the drum, along with the door, detergent compartment, and exterior.
Remember to leave the door between loads open between loads for better air circulation.
Mistake #9: Washing a cutting board with dish soap
While soap and hot water remove visible food residue from a cutting board, cuts in wood and plastic boards trap microscopic food particles. These breed bacteria that transfer to whatever food you prepare on that cutting board.
Solution: Soak your cutting boards in hydrogen peroxide or a bleach solution (2 tablespoons of bleach and 1 gallon of water), rinse with water, and dry completely.