Christmas tree decoration 2020, the trends of the moment!

These are the trends in decoration for christmas tree 2020. Get inspired by them so that your home breathes the Christmas spirit with style.

If what you are looking for is a good christmas tree decoration, you are in the right place! Here we share some of the trends that are being used the most. Open your mind, because we will show you some alternatives that surely would not have occurred to you.

What is the history of the Christmas tree?

According to the traditional popular science magazine National Geographic, there are several precedents of this tradition; for example, the Babylonian custom of cutting down a tree, decorating it and leaving gifts under it, or the Celtic custom of decorating oak trees with fruit and candles during the winter solstice.

However, it was the Christian missionaries who conquered the Nordic countries who used a fir tree, a pine that does not lose its leaves in winter, to replace this pagan celebration with the cult of the birth of Jesus.

We share some decoration options for a Christmas tree in 2020

With these decorated christmas trees 2020 You can be inspired to put together yours in an original way, but without losing the most important thing about these dates, which is the Christmas spirit.

How to decorate a white Christmas tree

You have two options, you can decide on a monochrome decoration or choose ornaments and colored lights that contrast with white, such as the classic red and/or green. Another option is to choose to combine it with silver or gold, which does not contrast but gives it a very elegant touch.

Christmas tree in shack

A very fashionable alternative is to use a dry branch of any tree and decorate it according to your preference. To give it more style, you can paint the shack in colors alluding to this celebration, such as gold or white. A great idea is to hang jewelry beads on it, they will look like glitter!

Cardboard Christmas tree

But if what you want is to do something completely different and that helps to take care of the environment, you can make one using reusable and recyclable materials, such as cardboard boxes. You can decorate it with 3D Christmas Stars on used paper or cardstock.

Christmas tree in foami

Foami is a very versatile material for decoration, since you can make everything from flowers to Christmas decorations, because it is easy to handle and very fun. In addition to all of the above, one of the advantages is that it is perfect for young children in the home to participate in its preparation.

How to make a homemade Christmas tree

Once you have decided on the style you prefer to use, you must follow these steps so that the Christmas spirit takes over your home. Here we show you a very original option.


  • dry tree branches
  • Cabuya
  • used cardboard boxes
  • Christmas lights
  • pine seeds
  • Feathers

Implements necessary

  • Scissors
  • tiptoe
  • Hammer
  • Glue for wood

Time required

60 minutes

Estimated cost

$10,000 (COP)


1. Cut the branches

Cut the branches in such a way that the next one is 10 percent shorter than the previous one; the more you use, the taller your tree will be.

2. Tie and hang

Tie the trunks together with the rope, a few centimeters from the edges, on both sides, in such a way that the longest is below and the shortest is above, forming a triangle. Leave enough rope on top to hang it on the wall with the nails.

3. Make the stars

Cut stars of various sizes from the cardboard boxes and glue a small piece of string to one of the ends.

4. Garnish

Now, tangle the lights arranging them as you like and hang all the decorations: the cardboard stars, the pine seeds and the feathers, plus any other small figures you want to put there. And ready!

Tell us, what do you prefer to build, a little tree or a manger? Write what you think in the comments, and share this note on your social networks!