Caught at Easter doing little things

After the Easter holidays we realize that many people take advantage of these days of recollection for other types of activities, how do we realize it? Because of the photos.

on a beach of Cartagena a couple of lovers were photographed in full sexual act.

The couple wanted to take advantage of the height of the waves to show love and unleash their sexual appetite, thinking that the evidence would remain underwater and that no other tourist would notice what was happening.

But as recorded Zero zonethe waves betrayed the romantics and surprisingly dropped a few centimeters, revealing the sexual work that was hiding under the sea.

The photographs were published by the portal TNN Policieswhich accompanied them with the following comment:

A good number of Colombians take advantage of Holy Week more to vacation than as a spiritual retreat, and prefer the sea for adventures that are sometimes expensive

And you, did you dedicate yourself to spirituality or did you go for a walk, revelry and fun? Comment here.

Taken from Pulse