cats that dance better than you

Hello, I’m Colette, the cutest cat in Vibra. Today I am going to show you how good we cats are… Dancing!

Cats are music lovers. We especially like hip-hop, although if they play flamenco for us, we dance to it! Nothing more tender than a cat would dance, but do not think that it is a natural feline ability, it is fruit of years of training and private classes by miaullet. Look at the most famous dancing cats on the net:

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When you leave the house and leave the kittens alone, what do you think they do in your absence? Perhaps you have noticed that when you return things are not exactly as you left them, and the reason is that your kitties put the song at full volume Ms Jacksonfrom Outkast, and wag the tail!

Like humans, cats also go out partying. The trendy club in Bogotá is Miau MIx, where DJ Rasguño plays, which mixes live and makes all the kittens dance like crazy. They won’t let me go meow because I’m still very small, but yesterday I flew away with my friends, look:

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