Carolina Soto stumbled on ‘Day by Day’ and almost ended up on the ground

¡Carolina Soto tripped on Day to day! The presenter lived an uncomfortable moment when trying to keep up with a guest of the program.

Caro Soto is one of the most beloved presenters on morning television in our country, not only for her beauty and professionalism, but also for her ability to make a fool of herself without fear of making a bear, and that was precisely what happened in a emission of Day to day.

Carolina Soto tripped on Day to day and it was on video

The presenter was trying to catch up with the actor Rafael Zea, when suddenly she took a wrong step and one of her heels apparently caught on a table leg on the set; she managed to stumble, but finally managed to keep her balance and did not fall to the ground.

The hilarious moment was caught on video, and was a laughing stock for the rest of the show. It should be clarified that both the guest and the presenter were on a very good path, and if they had been betrayed by their shoes and the mat, the choreography would have been perfect for them.

Despite her minor accident, Caro tried to carry on as if nothing had happened, taking the accident in high spirits.

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