Carolina Sabino was left without a job because of the quarantine

Due to the global quarantine by COVID-19, the Bogota actress Carolina Sabino was left without a job and the worst thing is that she is not in Colombia.

During an interview with the program of the Channel 1 “I know everything” told that he has been in Ecuador for several days and that because of the COVID-19 he lost his job in this country.

Let us remember that the situation in Ecuador is no different from what we are experiencing in Colombia and in the rest of the world due to the coronavirus.

Why did Carolina Sabino lose her job?

She went to Ecuador with the plan to present the show «Ironing the Spite» the same one that had already been presented in our country with great success alongside Majida Issa, Marbelle, Yolanda Rayo and Ilona.

In Ecuador, just like here in Colombia, the government ordered the cancellation of all events that bring together more than 50 people, a measure that affected countless artists just like here.

It really is that it can no longer be returned to Colombia since before the situation in the world became more difficult it had several trips between the two countries.

For now, she is in preventive quarantine, although she has not presented any symptoms, she also made it clear that no member of her family is contaminated with COVID-19.

Carolina Sabino also revealed that in the place where she is, there are already 6 confirmed cases of the coronavirus and there they constantly have curfews from 9:00 pm to 5:00 am.

Due to force majeure Carolina Sabino lost her job, so tell us if you think you run the same risk with the Pandemic.

With information from Pulse