Carolina Cruz’s son has not yet overcome covid-19

The Carolina Cruz’s son She has not yet overcome the disease, as the presenter announced through her social networks.

A few days ago, the presenter announced that both she and her children had tested positive for covid-19. However, after overcoming the disease, she also told her followers that fortunately they had already come out of the disease, but her son Matías still had the symptoms.

Carolina Cruz’s son is still with covid-19

Through the stories of her Instagram account, Carolina Cruz told her followers that they were still in isolation because the virus was still in their home. Her model and also her businesswoman told her followers that although they had taken the test where fortunately they had come out negative, her son Matías still continued to show a positive result.

For this reason, he commented “Last week, we did not do the test again, here at my house and we all came out negative, except for Matías. It is normal for a false positive or a false negative to come out, but the child still had symptoms, very mild, but he still had them ”. Immediately, the most faithful followers of the presenter sent him messages of support so that the little boy would recover quickly and thus be able to overcome this disease.

And you, Did you know that Carolina Cruz together with her children had had to face the Covid-19? Leave us your comments in this note and share on all social networks.