Carmen Villalobos celebrated 18 million followers with sexy photos

Showing off your most daring side! That was how Carmen Villalobos celebrated her 18 million followers with seductive photos.

The stunning actress and model from Barranquilla, who in recent years has established herself as one of the figures of national entertainment with the greatest presence on social networks, recently broke a personal record that is quite important for her professional life, because!on his official Instagram account he reached 18 million followers!

For this reason and through said platform, the actress who gave life to Lucía Sanclemente in the remake of the telenovela ‘Café, con aroma de mujer’, recently made a surprising and very sensual publication with which she not only thanked her fans for joining her great family but also showed that she ultimately manages to capture the attention of thousands with her unparalleled beauty.

Carmen Villalobos celebrated her 18 million followers with seductive photos.

And it is that although on more than one occasion she has left many drooling with her enviable attributes, in this photo session she appeared on board a car wearing a small dress full of sparkles accompanied by a deep neckline and a captivating smile with which she stole all the sighs.

In addition, some of these images highlighted some details such as the delicacy of her hands, her hair and, of course, her angelic face.

His post was accompanied by a message that reads:

“18 MILLION IN THIS FAMILY😍 Waoooooooo this is how my smile looks today and ALL THANKS TO YOU❤️! Always remember, being big is not a matter of size, but of ATTITUDE 💫!”

And you, what do you think about it? Tell us in the comments!