black hair! How to use it and take 10 years off yourself

Many girls think he black hair puts more years on them, surprise! So you can use this tone and look much younger.

If your favorite color is black and not only in clothes, we are going to give you some tricks on how you can use this color in your hair and look beautiful. So take note of these tips that you will surely end up loving.

blue black hair

This is a great tip to look younger, if you love black you can add some highlights or bright tints like blue to bring your face to life. A very good option is to opt for a slightly bluish look, this will also make you look fashionable and on trend.

Black color and rather short

The “bob” cut is perfect to wear black hair, since it immediately takes away your age and with the tone of your skin it will make it look balanced. Surely with this advice you will take 10 years off yourself, it is a very good option to look young.

Balayage on black hair

Balayage is undoubtedly a very good option to look fashionable and maintain that dark tone. You can fade your black hair to look more youthful, a very good option is gray, it looks spectacular!

long black hair

If you love your black tone and you also love the length of your hair, don’t worry, it’s also a very good option. You just have to avoid straight hair that often tends to make us look bigger and better opt for the charming waves so that you look much fresher or more youthful.

What does it mean to have black hair?

If you want to look thinner, this can be a very good option, it is an ideal color to achieve this effect. Since not only does it look good on different skin types, but it also fulfills the function of outlining the features and defining the face.

If you like to take care of your hair, and be in trend, we have a question for you… Have you tried Cold Brew yet? It’s the best for your hair and you have it here just a click away from Vibra.