Between Tears, Aída Victoria said that she was betrayed by a social leader

During a transmission in which he was quite affected, Aída Victoria said that she was betrayed by a social leader that he had taken out of Chocó to support him in his studies.

The popular Barranquilla influencer, who in recent days has caused all kinds of comments with the publication of a video in which, to celebrate Mother’s Day, she appeared visiting her mother, former congresswoman Aída Merlano, who remains held in Venezuela, after escaping from Colombia after being accused of corruption, again captured the attention of hundreds of Internet users, but this time for a completely different topic. What happened?

Months ago, the content creator ventured to visit Chocó with the aim not only of making different donations to the population but also of making visible the situation of abandonment by the State and the violence faced by its inhabitants.

For a short time, she was able to be there hand in hand with a foundation that taught the Barranquilla woman the worrying scenario they experience daily, however, although she was able to learn about the painful stories of hundreds of families that suffer from complete shortages, there was a story especially that it caught his attention and it was that of a social leader named Cristian, who had been receiving death threats for his work.

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This is how Aída Victoria told that she was betrayed by a social leader who helped

This deeply touched the influencer, who without thinking twice offered him her full support, not only to get him out of that place where his life was at risk, but also to help him in his professional training, since it would pay for a university career and would offer financial support.

The young man accepted this proposal and together with the influencer left Chocó to settle in Medellín, the city in which Merlano was initially living. However, although for a time everything went smoothly, it seems that everything ended and in the worst way. In that way?

This was revealed by Aída Victoria herself in the last few hours through a transmission she made through her networks, where she was visibly affected, and told everything that had happened.

There she explained that at first things worked out in the best way with the young leader, since she took him to live in her house where she offered him everything to have a better quality of life while preparing academically.

Cristian would have betrayed the trust of the influencer

He said that over time they went through some small problems of coexistence, so he decided to return to his native Barranquilla and let the young man continue training in Medellín, but it seems that everything got worse, because he says that despite his disposition and will of help, Cristian began to spread very sensitive information behind his back, which reached Merlano’s ears.

She affirmed that the young man had even said that she and he had come to have sexual relations, which Merlano affirmed is completely false and a total insult, since all his help had been selflessly provided.

Faced with this scenario, Merlano decided to withdraw the support she had been giving to the oven, but she was emphatic in clarifying that despite her experience, she will continue to support the foundation and Chocó.

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