Armando’s death in Pasión de gavilanes left a great wave of reactions

The fans are still in awe! The Armando’s death in Passion of Hawks left great wave of reactions networking.

Since the broadcast of the first chapter of this successful production in July 2020thousands of Colombians have closely followed the dramatic history between the Reyes brothers and the Elizondo family.

Betrayals, revenge, loves, hates and of course many moments loaded with comedy, have been the key so that every night the Snail Channel rank among the top national rating.

And it is that despite the fact that these days the telenovela is in its final stretch, the numbers do not decrease. Quite the opposite! These last chapters, loaded with much more emotion and adrenaline, do not allow viewers to detach themselves from TV for a single moment, because each scene is crucial to the final outcome.

Armando’s death in Pasión de gavilanes left a great wave of reactions

An example of this was the last episode issued on january 19because in it the death of one of his antagonists occurs, Armando Navarrowho after leaving the Elizondo house (where he was sheltering in the company of Fernando and Dinora), assured everyone that he had nothing to do with his friend’s affairs, for which he wanted to leave with his wife Rosario Montes.

However, upon learning that he would have to go to the station to give his statements of fact, gets upset to the point of wanting to escape by force. Faced with the provocations of Frank and OscarNavarro loses control and draws his weapon against the youngest of the Kings, whom he has tried to eliminate since the beginning of the story.

But just as he fires his gun, Rosario gets in the way and receives the bullet, lying on the floor. Seeing what he has just committed, Armando in desperation threatens to end the lives of everyone present, but before he can shoot, he is shot by the police.

This unleashed a whole wave of reactions and memes on social networks. Here we show you the best:

And you, Are you a fan of this telenovela? Did you enjoy this chapter? Tell us in the comments and don’t forget to share this note on all your networks!