Alejandro Sanz: lyrics and music

Today we invite you to ‘snuggle up’ with Alejandro Sanz, his music and his best lyrics. But be careful, don’t go to sleep because this special is great!

Seductive voice, youthful appearance, deep gaze… Who else could it be but Alejandro Sanz? We know that, if you like him, what you feel for him is not anything… you love him, you look at his photos for hours, you would marry him if you could!

Well, Vibra brings it to you just for you, so that you can enjoy his voice throughout Saturday. And how can your heart not vibrate with the music? by Alejandro Sanzfilled with so romantic lyrics.

He sings in our ears, whispering what we all dream of being told at some point, like «I’m just a teenager but I’ll enter your mind stomping…»

Or «my friend, I don’t know what to say or what to do to see you happy…»

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Or maybe «don’t turn on the lights, my soul and body are naked…»

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With those lyrics, for what music? Well, the truth is that his lyrics are beautiful possessions of love, but his music is not far behind. We share with you this complete concert by Alejandro Sanz, which he gave in June 2013 at the La Cartuja Olympic Stadium, Seville. You will be able to appreciate his talent as an artist.

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Don’t you feel like spending all of Sunday too with Alejandro Sanz?