Adriana Lucía denounced in her networks the discovery of a young man in Tuluá

«No one deserves to die like this,» said the artist on her social networks. Adriana Lucia denounced on his Twitter an atrocious find in the city of Tuluá. Apparently, it would be a front-line young man.

According to several national media reports, last Sunday, June 19, 2021, unknown motorcyclists threw a plastic bag in the Callejón El Delirio, in the Aguaclara district of Tulu. Inside it was found a human head. As reported by the authorities, it could be the young Santiago Ochoa, 22 years old.

Adriana Lucía denounced in her networks the finding of a beheaded young man in Tuluá

The singer-songwriter shared through her official Twitter account a photograph of Santiago Ochoa along with a few words in which she drew attention to the horror of the discovery and remembered the mothers of the victims of violence in Colombia.

“This deserves a resounding rejection from the whole of society. Body parts of missing youths are turning up in areas where there have been demonstrations. You can disagree with whatever you want but this is creepy, nobody deserves it, NOBODY.

Terrifying what happens in this country every day. It is shocking to see how dismembered bodies appear, lifeless bodies of people declared missing. This has to shake us. This is above any personal opinion. We must reject it and demand answers.”

The singer added in a couple of subsequent trills.

Although in networks they assure that the young man had participated in the demonstrations and that he would even belong to the first line, the newspaper Time He indicated that his family denied it and that he stated that he worked in a hardware store. As reported by said media, the Government of Valle del Cauca would have offered a 100 million reward for information that leads to the solution of the case, in addition to 10 million offered by the National Police.

Let us remember that Adriana has been proclaimed as the protector of the marchers for supporting the protest in Colombia and making various complaints about the alleged human rights violation in the framework of the 2021 protests. In fact, he rejected an invitation from President Duque to be part of the Great Dialogue for Peace.

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