8 celebrities living with diabetes

Every November 14 the world commemorates World Diabetes Day, this disease is the ninth leading cause of death among women and that is why we must pay attention to it.

Currently, people living with diabetes must measure their blood sugar several times a day, take insulin or medication, follow a specific diet, perform physical activity and have regular tests.

A cure for the disease has not yet been found, but there are great technological advances in terms of its control. Science and companies work to improve the quality of life of these people by helping them in the registration and treatment processes, seeking to prevent future new ailments.

There are currently more than 199 million women living with diabetes, and this total is projected to increase to 313 million by 2040. Gender roles and power dynamics influence vulnerability to diabetes, affect access to health services and health-seeking behaviors of women and intensify the effects of diabetes on women.

This disease can be suffered by anyone and that is why we share some celebrities who fight against the disease.

1. Tom Hanks

Since the age of 36, the actor has problems with sugar. And 20 years later, he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. During the «Late Show with David Letterman» Hanks confessed this evil, in October 2013.

2.Halle Berry

She was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 1989, after slipping into a coma while filming. But the disease did not stop her from participating in about 40 films. In addition to taking insulin injections, the actress is very strict about her diet and exercise plan.

3. Jose Jose

The Mexican singer has been fighting type 2 diabetes for years. In addition to medication, the artist fights his battle with natural treatments and homeopathic preparations.

4. Salma Hayek

When she was pregnant with her daughter Valentina, she was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. There was already a history of this disease in her family. By doctor’s order, she had to implement a new eating plan, since she had gained 40 pounds during pregnancy.

5. Don Francisco

The Latino TV presenter told the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO): “When I turned 60, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. That forced me to take more care of my weight, pay attention to meals and be rigorous when practicing sports”. Don Francisco is a PAHO health ambassador on this condition.

6. Sharon Stone

the actress of “Basic Instincts” He has been dealing with different health problems since his youth. In 2001 he suffered a brain aneurysm. He also suffers from type 1 diabetes and asthma.

7.Larry King

The «king» of the interviewees have lived with type 2 diabetes for almost two decades. When he was diagnosed in the mid-1990s, he was leading a healthy life. That’s why he was surprised. However, he had a family history of diabetes.

8. Diego Maradona

When his health collapsed due to being overweight, hypertension and addictions, in 2002, it was learned that he had also been fighting type 2 diabetes for more than two years. He had to undergo several treatments to radically change his health and start over.

Taken from Hello Doctor and Diabetes Foundation