7 amazing things that happen to you and your body when you laugh

Of course, we enjoy hearing a funny joke, being around people with a good sense of humor, and watching sitcoms.

But few of us take our laughs seriously nor do we make a concerted effort to laugh much more.

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But we should!

The science of laughter, although still preliminary, suggests that it has enormous benefits for our health and psychological well-being.

7 amazing things that happen to you and your body when you laugh / Photo by Pexels

1. Laughter improves your relationships.

Research shows that laughter makes you more open to new people and helps you build and strengthen relationships. Let’s face it, any friendship or relationship with colleagues without laughter would be downright boring and tedious.

2. Laughter increases your memory and reduces your stress.

A study showed that laughter can sharpen the ability to remember things and, at the same time, reduce the stress hormone cortisol, especially in older people. Even if you think you have a terrible memory, you’re only improving it by having a few laughs.

7 amazing things that happen to you and your body when you laugh / Photo by Pexels

3. Laughter makes you resilient.

Have you ever had a nervous laugh in an awkward or difficult situation? That’s because laughter can help you regulate your emotions in the face of challenge, a study suggests. if anyone questions it, let him do it. They obviously haven’t read the study, nor have they done the research.

7 amazing things that happen to you and your body when you laugh / Photo by Pexels

4. Laughter improves your health.

For example, a study of diabetic patients found that it reduces stress and inflammation and increases good cholesterol.

Have you ever laughed while telling a joke or a funny story, maybe because you were anticipating the ending?

Another study suggests that simply anticipating a fun event boosts immune function while lowering stress-related hormones. Who said you can’t tell a stressful story without finding it funny afterwards?

7 amazing things that happen to you and your body when you laugh / Photo by Pexels

5. Laughter makes you a better student.

When we are trying to learn something new, we are usually quite serious. but research shows that laughing while learning new material will help you become more engaged.

Even when you suck at something at first, the sense of humor It’s important so you don’t come across as a whiny brat. 7 amazing things that happen to you and your body when you laugh / Photo by Pexels

6. Laughter makes you attractive.

A recent study confirms that the humor and joy are highly valued traits in potential romantic partners.

Plus, What would a romantic relationship be like if you weren’t free to joke around with your special someone?

7. Laughter helps you make the world a better place.

Why? It is contagious, at least at the brain level, according to research by Sophie Scott.

And the world could always use a little (if not a lot) more intelligence.

By the way: Did you know Funny people are smarter than everyone else, says science?

7 amazing things that happen to you and your body when you laugh / Photo by Pexels