6 zodiac signs that are very trustworthy and will take your secrets to the grave

We don’t want to tell our secrets to those people who can barely wait a minute to share your stuff and betray your trust.

You only have to be burned once by someone who didn’t keep a secret to make it difficult for us to share our private thoughts and concerns.

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It’s not good for your health to keep everything bottled up, but if someone is going to spread their secrets, the last thing you want to do is share that information with anyone who hasn’t been vetted and proven reliable and trustworthy.

It is not up to anyone else to determine if your private information is available for public consumption.

Fortunately, there are people who understand the concepts of keeping secrets, discretion and keeping certain information confidential. These are the people we can trust and to whom we can open up without fear of exposing ourselves. Are you one of them?

1. SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

If you trust a Scorpio and tell him to keep it to himself, he will never tell anyone else. They will cling to their confidences forever.

Scorpios feel compelled to keep their trusted part private. They themselves tend to be secretive, so you can be sure that if they have trouble telling their own secrets, they certainly won’t tell yours.

2. TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

If anyone knows the importance of keeping a secret, it’s Taurus. It takes a lot before a Taurus trusts someone, for him to know that they understand him. If you need to get something off your chest, Taurus is your person. They’ll listen patiently, offer help if they think you need it, and if you let them know it’s a secret, they’ll keep it that way, even if they feel pressured to reveal it to someone.

Taurus is a great secret agent; people can try to get information out of them, but Taurus isn’t going to break. Secrets are a time when his natural clumsiness comes in handy.

3. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22)

A Virgo will definitely keep your secret, but that doesn’t mean they won’t try to help you in some way. If it’s something from the past, they may try to help you process it, and if it happened recently, they’ll do their best to resolve the issue and make you feel better.

Virgos are not only really smart, they are trustworthy and dependable. Virgos understand that some things should always remain private.

4. CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

Not only would a Capricorn never reveal a secret someone told them, they would never use that information against anyone, especially in business. Capricorns like to do things by the book and be completely transparent in their actions.

They are very wise and know that nothing good can come from abusing someone’s trust by telling their secrets. Think of a Capricorn the same way you would think of a doctor or lawyer who has a duty not to reveal their clients’ secrets.

5. PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

If someone finds out your secrets, it won’t be because Pisces couldn’t keep their mouths shut. Pisces actually feel a bit honored and privileged when someone tells them a secret and they would never want to betray them by telling someone else when they were told not to.

Since Pisces is extremely intuitive, don’t be surprised if they already know your secrets before you tell them. Once you tell a Pisces a secret, they are locked in their own personal vault of silence. However, we can say with certainty that their secrets will not appear in any of the creative works of Pisces.

6. LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Leos understand how gossip has the power to destroy, so they would never stoop to spilling someone’s secrets. They are loyal, kind, and strive to be the person people can trust and depend on. Leos have a much easier time telling their own secrets than anyone else.

Leos know that destroying someone’s trust by telling their secrets is not good and makes them look bad. Leos don’t want to earn a reputation for being a charlatan or a snitch. Telling secrets doesn’t align with Leo’s personal narrative.