5 diseases disguised by colic

Almost all women have suffered from menstrual cramps, and as we are used to, we do not pay much attention to them, but what if they are disguising serious illnesses? Find out here.

Menstrual cramps are a cross that almost all women have to carry for several years of our lives, and although many people do not understand why we complain so much about them (surely those who have never suffered from them) can be as acute as a heart attack, as indicated by various studies. What we didn’t know is that these pains associated with the period could disguise serious illnesses.

Take note of the 5 diseases disguised by colic

1. Complications of ovarian cysts: Although most cysts are harmless, asymptomatic, and fade without treatment, in some cases they can become so complicated that surgery is required. If your pains are accompanied by cold sweats and vomiting, see a doctor.

2. Edimetrosis: This is the name given to the growth of the endometrium (uterine tissue) outside the uterus, which is associated with very intense menstrual cramps. Although the cause of this disease is not known, it does have treatment.

3. Food poisoning: Intense stomach pain caused by meat or dairy poisoning can easily be confused with menstrual cramps, which can be fatal if left untreated, as the body could rapidly decompensate.

4. Calculations: Whether they are biliary or renal, stones are a problem that must be treated, because if they are not, they could damage these organs. You have to be very attentive to where the pain originates so as not to confuse it with harmless menstrual cramps.

5. Cancer: In a few extreme cases, menstrual cramps have been confused with stabbing pain caused by cancer of the stomach, intestine, colon, or rectum, so frequent checkups are recommended.

vibrates also with: Remedies to relieve horrible menstrual cramps

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– Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) July 7, 2017

With information from: Mayo Clinic Y vix