3 zodiac signs that will suspend dating and romance during the Moon in Sagittarius

The fact that the Moon changes signs during a Master Number in sequence can be an indicator that something is about to happen and this requires deep reflection, introspection and introversion to discover what can beespecially in love.

The 11 is a master number and it is an intuitive energy and Sagittarius energy is about belief, adventure and travel. So how does this relate to dating and putting love on hold?

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For all three zodiac signs, there are many reasons why this makes sense.

The Moon will enter Sagittarius this weekend, and this can bring a sense of optimism and hope when it comes to your emotions.

Things can start to feel like were «getting better» in certain areas of their life.

Although the Moon is also conjunct the South Node in Sagittarius, and this has the potential to bring up emotions of the past, lovers of the past Or simply outdated defense mechanisms within their relationshipsor his approach to love.

There are also some intense squares to the Moon from Mars, Mercury and Jupiter, which can creating passionate outbursts, lack of communication, or overly emotional communicationand blocks when it comes to emotional growth within their relationships.

All this intensity can create a storm of emotions within you, which can make you want to take a step back from dating, or love in general, to let your emotions settle down a bit, so that you can return to a place where find the foundation within you.

The Moon in Sagittarius August 16th will be supported by Venus, and this helps all zodiac signs.

Venus is now in Libra, so it is no longer opposed to Neptune, which means that the rose-tinted glasses have come off and reality is now totally clear.

This may mean that things you ignored before for lovewill now surface to be revealed to you in a way that you may not like.

This could be the time when you find yourself at a crossroads on whether or not you want to move forward with a romantic partner or with love.

Venus is in a trine to Pluto, so this gives you a fighting spirit when it comes to love. Although that may depend on some of those truths that are now being revealed to you.

Zodiac signs that suspend dating during the Moon in Sagittarius from August 15 to 18, 2021:

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

With the Moon in your seventh house of relationships, conjunct the South Node, this can bring karmic or past life issues into your relationship.

It also has the potential to bring up old hurts or baggage from your past, or past arguments or debates with your partner. Since the Moon is also square to Mars and Mercury, this means that the potential for emotionally charged arguments or conversations is strong.

With Venus now in Libra in your 5th House of Pleasure, this creates an energy that allows you to open up more to love, but in a different way. cautious and intelligent.

This means you can rate things like integrity, reciprocity and equality within your romantic relationships right now.

So you may find that if someone just doesn’t provide those things for you, you may decide to seek love elsewhere, or simply put that love back on yourself and focus on your own well-being for now.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

With the Moon conjunct the South Node at its fifth house of creativity and joythis can bring some of your favorite hobbies to the forefront, or even a past lover back into her life.

This energy will allow you to experience something from your past that once brought you pleasure.

Though square to Mars and Jupiter, you may find it difficult to achieve growth with these things at this time in your life.

The reason for this could be that you have simply changed your mind or simply outgrown these creative pursuits or past love interests.

This energy is excellent for have one last chance at something you may have loved at one pointbut it is possible that discover that your heart just isn’t in it.

As you may be more interested in activities that have to do with your own personal growth, healing, and general independence.

With Venus now in Libra in your second house of finances and material possessionsthis is really a great time for you focus on your money and overall stabilityand maybe even level up in that area of ​​your life.

So because of all this, you might find that you just you’re not that interested in love right now.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

With the Moon conjunct the South Node in your 11th house of friendships and social connections, you can find an old friend back in your life.

Or that you even consider going back to an ex or a past romantic relationship. You may feel called to connect with certain relationships from your past during this Moon, although you may find that the reason for this is simply achieve a good closure and not rekindle a romance.

Although with the square to Mars and Mercury, it is possible that (at this point in your life) you are simply speaking different languages with these social connections.

It may simply be that the connection you once had was based on that past version of yourself. And that it may no longer resonate with what you valued back then, in terms of a friend or romantic partner.

You may find that you have not only changed, but also their values, perspectives and beliefs.

With Venus now in Libra in your 9th house of higher education and philosophy, you may feelloved to refine and refresh your skills in certain areas of your life.

This energy will create a desire within you to do things that are connected with self-improvement and personal empowerment in general. So with this higher soul calling of his, he may not be interested in exploring love right now.