3 zodiac signs that will have a very lucky Sunday, July 10

Synchronicities are the way the universe communicates with you.

You may encounter repetitive number sequences, initials, numbers, songs, quills, and even surprise encounters from new people or even from your past.

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These are signs that help you see which path you should take, which person has value in your life and remember that feeling that no matter how lost or insecure, the universe is always running in perfect divine timing.

Sagittarius is a fire sign, known to be extremely philosophical and insightful.

This sign that the Moon rests today enjoys being a seeker of truth and adventure.

It is this energy that will infiltrate your day, helping you take note of everything around you and also helping you take advantage of those synchronicities as they arise.

Pluto in Capricorn activates earlier in the day, bringing the energy of being awake to a new truth that can feel like some process or belief system has been transformed.

This allows you to see things differently than you used to and lets the space for the universe work its magic.

As the day progresses, the Sun in Cancer joins with Uranus in Taurus, with very vibrant energy this month, bringing a sense of freedom and new experiences and opportunities.

These will focus on greater emotional fulfillment and connection to the world around you.

As night falls, the Moon in Sagittarius will favorably connect with Jupiter in Aries, making you feel more secure about your life, which in turn allows you to embrace the synchronicities the universe has to offer.

It is important to go into today with the energy of faith instead of doubt.

You don’t need to question the synchronicities, just trust that they are gifts to you from the universe and all you have to do is just follow along, knowing that when you are in tune with the universe, the universe is in tune with you.

The 3 zodiac signs with the best horoscopes for Sunday, July 10, 2022

1. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Free yourself from doubt about your path or purpose and tune in to that inner voice. This is a time of heightened insight into what it means to you and what moves you need to make. Still, you should listen to yourself instead of continually trying to come up with a different answer.

Whether it’s because he’s still learning to stand up for himself or because he feels too defiant, there has been a tendency to ignore this voice and try to have things go his way. You are always searching for a higher meaning and truth, which means that sometimes the universe knows what is best for you, even if you are still struggling to accept it.

Today, just open your eyes and your heart and trust the way forward. Look at everything that arises as a small miracle. Be receptive to things going differently than you had imagined and allow yourself to feel the excitement as things come together.

It’s a great day to just let your intuition rule so you don’t miss out on any of the synchronicities that come your way. This introduces a new freedom into your life, which is what you really need to overcome the challenges you have been going through previously. Embrace the good and trust that everything else had to happen for a reason.

2. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Pluto in your sign has been responsible for great periods of transformation within you and your own life. Today that connects with the Moon, it is time to reconnect with your desires and feelings to see how they have changed during this time.

In life, when you are going through a transformation, it is not just one area of ​​your life that changes, but all areas. This includes how you feel and even what you want. Allow yourself to see how different you are now than you were before.

When you do, you are also open to life aligning with it. The synchronicities for you that come today will be about what or who really brings happiness into your life.

Happiness is an inside job, and it is one for which you are solely responsible. However, those people and situations in your life should also encourage and defend them. If you have changed but are still in the same situations that you have overcome, you may not feel happier.

Today, embrace what brings you happiness, without questioning it, without hesitation, simply let yourself be filled with those encounters that reaffirm all the work you have done and enjoy.

3. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

It’s important to make sure you’re not afraid of the very things you say you want. The universe can only work its magic if you send out a clear and consistent vibration of what you hope to attract.

Today, when the Sun in Cancer connects with Uranus in Taurus, it’s the perfect opportunity to get some serious downloads from the universe. Still, you should also be clear on what you’re asking for. This means setting your intentions, not set backup plans. It does not work, but with the belief that it already exists.

This is the power of manifestation and it creates an environment where the universe can work its magic. In this process, the most important thing is to hold sacred how you want to feel once you have manifested what you are dreaming about.

This is the most consistent piece that the universe can work with because the how can change. If you are looking for greater fulfillment, love, adventure and happiness, keep those feelings close to you, knowing that this is the priority.

Set your intention for this to become a reality, but be flexible on the means to the end. The universe has big plans for you, which will continue to unfold over the next month, just make sure you leave enough room for their plans instead of just focusing on your own.