3 zodiac signs that will have a great week from October 18, 2021

Mercury and Jupiter retrograde end during the Full Moon in Aries on Monday.

So starting this Monday, we can expect everyone to experience a boost in energy traveling alongside the Full Moon in Aries.

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The Moon leaves Aries and enters Taurus early in the week and closes out the weekend strong in Gemini on Sunday.

These lunar changes during the waning moon phase should generate more energy in Leo, Virgo and Scorpioand this will last until October 24, 2021.

Fortunately, we’re looking at the direct motion of Jupiter and Mercury, and that in itself will make things a bit easier, especially for three signs in particular.

On Wednesday, we will see the Full Moon in Aries opposite Mars, as well as the Moon square Pluto in Capricorn, these astrological aspects should wake us up from our withdrawn state and dive headfirst into activity and deep thought.

Scorpio season arrives this week, on Saturday, October 23, 2021, and that means when the Sun enters the solar 8th house, we will be working hard to achieve our goals and nothing will stand in our way.

This week will give us a huge boost to improve ourselves, along with inspiration for creating artistic endeavors.

If we are prone to the arts, we will rise, while realizing the potential of our talents.

Zodiac signs that will have a great week from October 18 to 24, 2021:

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

You may seem lazy this week, but that’s just someone else’s perception.

Your style isn’t outrageous this week, Leo, and that comes as a much-needed break from the usual.

You’re more than ready to get creative, and you’ll do it your way, without anyone else’s approval.

You are a social creature, but when you decide that it is time to be alone, to conspire, to create, to plan, that is the law in the land of Leo.

This week is about set aside time to be alone so i can undertake something that has been on your mindsomething that feels like It’s nobody’s business but yours.

The Full Moon in Aries gives you that energy in your steps and the confidence to say NO when you mean NO. This week will put you more in touch with your own belief in yourself.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

What this week, and the retrograde end of your ruling planet, can promise you a good understanding of what you have at work.

you realize that you are one of the hardest workers you know and probably feel underpaid.

This has not gone unnoticed and, surprising as it may seem to you at the time, You will be rewarded for your great efforts.

now that does not mean I’m definitely going to get a paid update this week, but you will get some kind of «promise» for the future.

That may make him object, since You won’t believe it until you see it, but your efforts show.

You are not as «freeloader» as you think. your workplace I couldn’t go on without youand although they are slow to show their appreciation, it’s coming, and believe it or not, you’ll like it.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

What will make this week excellent for you is not only the next appearance of the Sun in the Scorpio season, on October 23, but the effect this has on your mental acumen and intellectual confidence.

It’s like you’re opening a path this week. You are the boss and you have the decisions, throughout the week.

You have always been the person people trust when it comes to business decisions, and this week it will take that kind of confidence and lift it a little higher.

With Jupiter and Mercury directly stationed, you don’t have to feel the annoying pull of the most recent retrogrades.

Now it’s clear to be yourself and get the job done your way. this too It’s a great week for studies and education. If you’re at school you will do well in exams.

If you are a teacher, your influence on your students will be lasting.