3 zodiac signs that will have a great day on Thursday, April 14, 2022

Mars moves into the dreamy water sign of Pisces, and these three zodiac signs will feel the fire within once again ignite drawing attention to what you are most passionate about.

Mars and Venus, the heavenly lovers, have been in a close embrace since February, first in Capricorn and then in Aquarius.

Earlier in the month, Venus finally broke away from Mars and passed into Pisces.

Since the beginning of April, you have experienced that these planets that rule so much within your turn are operating from different signs.

It may have been a period where you didn’t feel like you were on the same page with anyone, be it work, friends, or lovers.

It’s not just that you experience joy in your interactions when these two are in a similar zodiac sign, but because these two represent the masculine and feminine energies within each person, it’s also about being balanced with yourself.

Mars enters Pisces and rejoins Venus as it makes its way through the zodiac sign that represents unconditional spiritual love.

Together, they allow you to focus your passions not just on what you want, but on what you feel most connected to.

Mars in Pisces helps you achieve what you truly feel is best for you and everyone involved in any situation.

It is one who seeks a higher purpose for every decision and choice.

So it’s not just about rushing in and getting what you want, it’s about finding a way that works for everyone and making sure you’re respecting the bigger reasons behind the choices you’re making.

The zodiac signs with the best horoscopes for Thursday, April 14, 2022 are Pisces, Libra and Capricorn.
It’s coming back alive with the desire that you know you’re on the right path, you just have to keep going.

1. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

It’s no surprise that today is a fantastic day for you, as Mars enters your zodiac sign and helps you feel like you’ve remembered something important.

This is likely that you can accomplish anything, that your intuition isn’t wrong, and that no matter how lost you may have felt at times, you never were. Having Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune in your zodiac sign is a powerhouse of planets, so you really will be performing at your best in the coming weeks.

The only thing you have to watch out for is not to doubt yourself or your abilities. Try to get in touch with your creative side and the part of you that inherently knows what to do next so that you can more easily move through your current situation.

There is nothing that is impossible for you during this time and Mars in Pisces while you are motivated and achieve what you want is different because it does not force but moves smoothly.

This should feel natural to you since this is how you normally operate as a water sign. Right now, you are on the cusp of some substantial changes in your own life, it’s time to dream even bigger than you are and not doubt your ability to make it come true.

2. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

The Moon shifts into your zodiac sign today and gives you the benefit of this powerful energy that should get you through some of the excessive thinking you’ve been doing.

As you move through the healing cycles, it’s normal to hit a low point and fixate on something that didn’t work or someone who did wrong, but that doesn’t mean it’s helpful with where you’re currently headed. .

This energy is serving as a reminder that you are better for what you have experienced, even if it was emotionally difficult to go through and that you are now a different person.

This should allow you to open yourself up to receive even more of the gifts that are coming into your life right now because your dignity is what will be rekindled by today’s astrology.

This is the belief that you know, even if you cannot believe some of your past choices or behaviors, that you are still worthy in this moment to receive. It means that you know that it is not what you have done, but who you have chosen to become because of it, that matters most.

But what this also holds is that no one can ever use that against you again. Embrace this new value and let it light up your whole life.

3. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Life is only boring if you allow it. And while the job of achieving what you want is on you, so is making sure that the life you’re living isn’t just the one you’re following, but one that truly ignites your soul.

This may even seem strange to you, as you may not have followed that sentiment in the choices you have made for your life.

But there is always an option. And just because you made a decision a decade ago or yesterday doesn’t mean you can’t make a different one today.

Pluto and the Moon create some sparks later in the day as they remind you to make sure that you are not just getting through the days, but that you are truly alive in the life you are living.

This can give you a sudden burst of energy to try something new or change your routine. Allow it too. Do not tell yourself that you have already agreed on something or that you do not have time.

Let your inner quest for more propel you forward so that when you lay your head tonight, you feel that flash of passion in your soul that life really is what you make of it and not just the obligations you fulfill.