3 zodiac signs that will have a great day on October 7, 2021

Oh, if only life could always be this easy, and today, October 7, you have the ability to bring peace of mind to three zodiac signs who are in for a great day.

Your good nature will light up today, so you can anticipate feeling good about what you bring into the world. You will feel creative and expressive, ready to impress, and you will impress, because you are also programmed to produce interesting and attractive products.

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So, we’re looking at these transits for the day: A Crescent Moon in Scorpio, Venus in Sagittarius, Sun in Libra Conjunct Mars and Moon Square Saturn – anyone who can navigate those transits and live to tell about it should get a special prize for the day, and Fortunately, there are three signs that will not only live to tell, but will also live to tell a good story.

Which signs will have a great day on October 7, 2021, according to astrology?

Zodiac signs that will have a great day on October 7, 2021:

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

You are in the right place at the right time for intuition to grab hold of you and guide you through whatever you need to do today. You may be taking this day on your own, but that’s basically the only way things are going to get done.

You trust your own decision-making, in fact, you feel more insightful than you have in a while, and you plan to use this inner guidance to get the job done. At home, you’ll be surrounded by the things you love and see no reason to wish for anything else.

Your «feeling» for the day will be one of satisfaction; nothing bothers you and nothing can. You’re just not ready for the high drama of other people’s emotions, so because you’re also highly intelligent, you avoid too much social engagement. Today is a good day for Cancer, that’s for sure.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

You should be able to turn that magnanimous charm of yours into something creative and advantageous on this day, Leo.

You are equipped with the right things, meaning a transit like Venus in Sagittarius allows you to feel love for everyone. Your big heart will go out for more than just you on this day, as you will most likely play a major role in calming someone’s fear.

It is you that your friends look to today as they trust your judgment and will do what you tell them to do. You feel confident in your own decisions and that lays the foundation for you to feel good about advising others.

Use your quick wit and friendly manners to be of service to others. This is a good day to help, and the help you offer will be there for you later, when you need it most.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Today feels like a fresh start for you Scorpio, as the Waxing Crescent Moon acts like a spicy vitamin in your system. Today you will be full of energy and that will become inspiration. Today may not be the day for action, but it will definitely be the day to plan for action.

What goes through your mind today is the first step you will take to ensure that something amazing happens in your life, not today, but sometime in the near future.

Creative projects for the future are what you should focus on today. This is the beginning phase of something constructive and promising.

Trust your ability to find the path that is best for you, and then take that path when you feel comfortable. No hurry; Feel your territory and act when you see fit. It is going in the right direction and all the plans put in place today will bear fruit tomorrow.