3 zodiac signs that will have a great day on January 25, 2022

We go through various transits that will encourage us to open up about our feelings and experiences, especially from the past.

One of the main events in astrology today is the entrance of Mars in Capricorn as part of its retrograde phase.

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This is a very different energy than aquaas they will take us back to difficult or even uncomfortable topics to ponder and discuss.

Mercury Retrograde (Rx) It serves an important purpose in our lives and relationships as it gives us time to talk about things that happened before or that we agree may need some modifications.

While we’re told it’s a time of inconvenience and challenge, it actually helps us form a more stable foundation, which is especially true when you’re going through Capricorn.

We are still under the trine venus uranusmeaning there are likely to be changes, especially in our love lives and relationships, even if it’s just that inner feelings have changed.

The other main effect on us today is a series of transits that the Moon today .

The first is a trine with Jupiterfollowed by an opposition with Uranus before ending the day in sextile with Venus.

All these transits have a theme, begin to share our feelings.

We may have recently become estranged from someone we care about, whether it’s a family member, a friend, or even a romantic interest. but today’s astrology will want us to reach out and reconnect with them to start having the necessary conversations to work through whatever has come up recently. .

While it can be challenging to begin to engage in uncomfortable conversations about how we’re feeling, or even about things that have happened in the past, we can’t expect someone to know how we’re feeling until we open up and talk about it.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

today you will have Venus, Mars Y Mercury in your first home, giving you the ability to feel like you’re finally on the same page with yourself when it comes to knowing what to do next.

But before you make the Moon sextile with Venus later in the day, you’ll feel safe having an emotional conversation that you’ve been putting off.

We all know that delving into the heart of your feelings is not something you crave on any given day, but right now you are being given the gift of getting in touch with this part of yourself so that you can open up. .

Due to the recent Cancer Full Moon that we had that rocked the boat for so many to hit your 7th house of relationships, this conversation is likely to be with a partner or someone you have romantic feelings for.

Don’t hesitate to say how past situations have made you feel or what you really want from life. There is nothing from the past that stops you from moving forwardall you have to be willing to do is be determined to act differently, because that will make a difference.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

While we are only a few weeks away from the start of your season and the New Moon in Aquarius which will activate new beginnings in your life, today Jupiter forms a positive trine with the Moon in companion water sign Scorpio to help you find greater peace of mind. in sharing your feelings.

Jupiter in you Zodiac sign this year is something that will make a difference in a multitude of areas. It makes everything it touches bigger, so it can’t help improve and grow your life in ways you can’t imagine.

While it may not seem like much Jupiter and the Moon help you share your feelings, as your emotions are something you are always very aware of, such as Piscesthere is a difference between simply sharing your feelings and sharing them with what you need.

Being an advocate for yourself about what you need from those in your life is something you have to learn because you tend to be very selfless. But balanced reciprocal relationships aren’t just about you going above and beyond for others, it’s about creating the opportunity for them to do the same for you.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

At first, today may seem like it’s more challenging than great. The opposition of the Moon Y Uranus it will highlight any problem in your home and family life, but the gift of being able to do something about it is what transforms this energy into something positive for your zodiac sign, Taurus.

As Uranus As it moves through your zodiac sign, during its current cycle, it is clear that anything that is not stable or grounded will fall apart during this time. But that’s a good thing. What is not meant to last must be allowed to leave our lives anywayso that this tension leaves room for something better.

This does not always mean that it is a person, a job or even a relationship that leaves your life. Sometimes transits like these are just ways of relating that have to evolve.

Today’s transits can make you realize what you really need from your life.as your 9th house of spirituality and personal beliefs light up with all that energy of Capricorn. But, it is the opposition of the Moon Uranus that will help you open those doors closest to you, so that you can do something about it.

Instead of assuming someone isn’t on the same page or doesn’t want what you want, have that conversation and talk about it. You might be surprised at how close the two actually are.