3 zodiac signs that will have a great day on February 19, 2022

As you move through the first full day of Pisces season, you are reminded of those qualities of fish that make them so loving and sweet.

you will feel more Forgiving, accepting and understanding of the situations that have recently bothered you and the people involved in them.

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This will bring that feeling of peace a day, but still, there is something else that pushes you forward.

While Venus and Mars are still making their way across the sky together and you are seeing their balancing influence appear within you, Jupiter and Uranus are still on the scene reminding you that There is a difference between settling and what you deserve.

You can find peace by accepting things as they are, but it still doesn’t mean that’s where you deserve to be.

Part of that forgiveness that comes is acknowledging that although you cannot change the past, It also doesn’t mean you have to be tied to it.

Change can be scary, especially when you look at the big picture from where you are to where you want to be.

It does not have to be like that.

The greatest journeys begin with the smallest steps and today, through ongoing astrology and the beautiful harmony of the Moon and Mercury, we begin to see that we don’t need to do it all at once, but we still do.

Zodiac signs that will have a great day on February 19, 2022

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Although the energy has been stagnant for you lately, making it difficult for you to take any real action, today will offer you a break from all of that.

Everything that came to light during the recent retrogrades will start to make sense today and you can start to see how you can get ahead in small ways.

If you are on the verge of a major change in your life, you are not alone.

Even if you only want to change parts of him, it’s important to focus on one thing you can do today to get closer to where you want to be.

If you just continually feel overwhelmed, you’ll be less likely to take action.

Instead, just focus on a small piece today and then disappear tomorrow, eventually, they will become the stepping stones for you in your new life.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Today bring a little adventure your way. Even if you’re happy with where you are in your life, lately you’ve been needing a break from being the rock everyone else leans on.

While this has to do with the limits that you are still working to create in your life, it does not mean that it is not valid.

If you can’t skip town today, do something fun or make yourself available to spend time with people who bring joy to your life.

With a connection between the Moon and Mercury later in the day, you’ll be able to have some of those conversations about the universe and the meaning of life that you love. Even this can be a break from feeling like you have to be there for everyone.

Just make sure you let someone be there for you too.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

The more comfortable you are with the uncomfortable, the faster growth occurs.

Today’s energy gives you the opportunity to lean into the unknown around you and find that sense of security within you.

Ongoing astrology is prompting you to feel more adventurous, so taking a risk doesn’t sound too bad.

This is because when you realize that staying the same now is impossible, you begin to accept that change is going to happen whether you want it to or not.

Your only choice is how to deal with it.

But it’s also that space of understanding that when it feels like our world is falling apart on the outside, it’s because it’s coming together on the inside.