3 zodiac signs that will have a great day January 4, 2022

January 4, 2022 starts off slow with just a few transits, but the ones we do have pack a punch, even if it’s milder like the one we’re experiencing today.

With the Moon now in Aquarius after the first New Moon of 2022, we feel more likely to accept all our feelings, even if they are non-traditionalwhich is a change from the energy we had over the weekend.

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The Moon in Aquarius highlights our independence, our humanitarian outlook, and our little quirks that make us unique.

This serves as a reminder today to embrace our whole and beautiful selves, no matter how much we don’t seem to fit in at times or even if it seems that we speak a different language than those around us.

It is an opportunity to take what we all learned from the energy that is based in Capricorn and now mix it with making sure that the directions and decisions that we are making are really ours.

Although Venus is still retrograde in Capricorn and only four days away from its rebirth as a morning star, many of the transits we see they will affect our sense of self-love for ourselves and any ongoing relationship dynamics.

Today’s energy makes us truly feeling ourselves and wanting to love.

If things have been feeling a little less passionate lately or if you have been longing for a romantic moment, today is a great day for that too.

With the caring nature this transit brings, it should also serve as a warm dose of self-care or caring for others in our lives.

It’s an opportunity not only to feel better about ourselves, but to take that and feel that life is getting better too.

Zodiac signs that will have a great day January 4, 2022

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

With so many transits of Venus recently, it’s no wonder you’re going to feel the love today.

With the Moon in Aquarius, it’s also an opportunity to leave behind much of the heavy energy you may have felt recently. While things have felt good, there has likely been a lot of pressure to make the most of this time or to overcome obstacles and opportunities with a sense of newness.

However, today’s energy should alleviate all of that and bring you back to a place where you long for what just feels right.

It should also serve to smooth over any recent arguments or difficulties so that not only do you feel that life is going smoother, but any relationships affected by the recent energy should return to a space of love as well.

While Venus and Neptune today encourage you to relax into yourself and not take everything so logically, the Aquarius Moon helps you make choices and decisions that can upset you about the status quo.

There are many things that will change in your life over the next month, and while all is well, an important part of getting through it successfully is making sure you make the decisions that feel good for you, not the ones that make others happy.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

You are at a creative and loving high that will continue for much of 2022, making this year better than any in recent memory.

Today, however, it offers a sextile between Neptune in your zodiac sign and Venus in Capricorn that will help you with any relationship problems you’ve been facing recently.

If there have been important conversations or even more distance in your relationship, today’s energy will not only help you find a middle ground, but also allow you to reconnect emotionally and physically.

It should also give you some positive insights in terms of any creative endeavors you’ve been thinking about recently. The fact is that this year is not just about expanding your love life, but about expanding your life in general thanks to Jupiter.

That idea you’ve been toying with may very well be the key to creating the life you want, and today’s energy will bring you one step closer to actually achieving it.

Anything related to the arts or even social media will be favored today, especially if it is about getting back to an idea or practice that you have done before but possibly abandoned.

Today’s energy is really about encouraging yourself to be fully yourself, which is the key to making all those dreams come true.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Last year was an intense year for you, with so many things changing in your life thanks to Jupiter and Saturn hanging in your sign.

This year, however, is not so much about changes as it is about enjoying all the work you’ve done recently.

Today’s energy not only puts you back in touch with your emotional self, but also creates the space to reconnect with the parts of yourself that you may have blocked off to protect yourself.

Don’t be afraid to open your attention today, whether it’s to embrace more of the life you’ve created or even a romantic partner who has been in your life.

We don’t just do the work and hard things in life so we can get on, we do it so we can enjoy it more. Today’s energy should return you to a space where you feel more secure within yourself and the relationships that will allow you to embrace more love as well.

When we go through a lot in life, we can become skeptical about being softer and allowing other people into places that feel vulnerable within us, but that is also the only way to truly embrace love.

Today is a great day to schedule or make room for some quality time with a partner, or if you’re single, to schedule a massage or even a quiet night in to do the things you love.

Remember that it’s those things that really feel good to do that make living a life feel good too.