3 zodiac signs that will have a day to treasure on Monday, September 19

The stars align today helping you remember what matters most and that without love, life becomes mediocre.

The Moon is still in Cancer today at home in this sensitive water sign that will allow you to remain open to all your feelings, giving them room to breathe and grow.

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Venus in Virgo aligns with Uranus in Taurus, which means that love is the greatest fuel for change.

Uranus, known as the great awakener, is currently in retrograde bringing your thoughts to what has transpired in the past few months and where you feel called to go next.

This is the planet that is responsible for showing you that the way you think things should or would go is rarely the way they should be, yet in that there is always a deep gratitude present for how it all turns out.

Venus is the goddess of love, not just in relationships, but in every facet of your life, helping you open up to what feels most passionate and connected to your heart.

This is the way through confusion and even doubt because love always shows the way.

Today, the Cancer Moon connects with both Venus in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus, leading you to understand that how you feel is not random but can be denied.

Your feelings, the depth and truth of them, are connected to what and even who you love, which inspires the change you seek.

Nobody changes their whole life for something that does not resonate or that they do not like, but rather it is for love, for passion and for connection.

This becomes the biggest motivating force today as these sentiments have been building since Venus in Virgo joined Mars in Gemini late last week and now they seem to be pointing the way in a whole new direction. .

The Saturn Uranus union that dominated the energy last year and has been building now will be a dominant effect until the end of October.

Saturn and Uranus highlight the desire for both freedom and stability, often seeming to choose one or the other without realizing that the greatest stability lies in true freedom.

But to achieve freedom, to be able to cut ties and change your life in all the ways it requires, means you have to be passionate about it.

You have to want it so much that you can taste it, and that is the sweet kiss that today’s energy will bring.

When you know what you love, you also know in which direction you have to move and that everything that has to change for everything to be possible is worth it and something else.

The three signs of the zodiac with the best horoscopes for Monday, September 19, 2022

1. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Venus in Virgo lights up all aspects of your romantic life, as this zodiac sign rules this area of ​​your life. With Venus in Virgo, you are contemplating issues of self versus soul and what that means for the choices you make in your life and in your relationship.

As Venus unites with Cancer Moon and Uranus in Taurus, it is an opportunity for you to feel inspired by love. This is inspiration stemming from self-love, love of life, and even that amazing, soul-changing romantic love that you’ve always known was meant for you.

Today can bring the feeling that there is a line between making things stay the same and changing them forever that is becoming more and more blurred. It is time for you to see that you can no longer put off those things that you naturally feel called to pursue.

You have an idea of ​​how you want to live your life for a reason, now you just need to tap into the abundance of love around you and trust that it is your inspiration for change.

2. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Uranus in Taurus activates your relationships by bringing a sense of urgency to change things for the better. With this year’s eclipses centered around your zodiac sign and Taurus, it’s clear that life is moving differently than you had anticipated. Many lessons are now concluding with a brighter future coming into more focus and increasing as the next eclipse approaches in October.

Take today as an invitation to reflect on how you feel about the recent changes in your life and where you currently are.

The change should, in the best sense, create more space for love, whether it is found within yourself, in a relationship, or even in life. Look for the space you have created to allow more of this into your life.

There may still be some hesitation in leaving aspects of your life behind because they are stable, even if they are only in your comfort zone, but the universe is really tapping you on the shoulder to fly to freedom.

3. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

The Moon in Cancer is stirring the waters around you and making you realize some deeply forgotten truths about who you are and what is most important to you. The Moons in Cancer always activate your feelings, especially around those relationships closest to you.

Today, when Saturn and Uranus come together while the Cancer Moon connects with both Venus and Saturn, it is clear that something important is coming. This is not the time to sit on the sidelines of your own life or continue with the way things have been going. been just because that’s how they always were.

You are now in a position to see things differently, not just from how you feel about them, but through the lens of how those important to you feel.

It may be time to reflect and commit to changing certain behaviors, especially if you have been discarding those that really mean the most to you, but most importantly, change is always possible, you just need to be the one to initiate it.