3 zodiac signs that will be luckier in love on Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Today is one of those days and although some zodiac signs will feel it more than others, we will all enjoy the influence of the Sun trine as it brings good cheer to all of us.

This transit is our main influence today, and when it comes to love, we will not be seeing fireworks or great displays of affection; we will be knowing the honest feeling of being happy. With our person, happily without doing anything.

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We don’t have to shout it from the rooftops today. Transit Sun trine Moon does all the yelling for us, and she sounds like a shy laugh and soft kisses. Nothing is exaggerated today; we are happy to be with the person we love without even saying anything.

Today is not about words, but about actions; today we show our loved ones how much we love them without having to make a big fuss about it. And it really doesn’t come down to the little things. We show up today with the little things and we’re here to welcome them too.

We will notice one thing, and this is for sure: love feels better and more realistic when we don’t have to make a gigantic presentation of it.

When love comes naturally, it comes softly; no preamble needed. It simply is. And today is for lovers who can accept that love is all they need. Another day for fuss and massive energy production; Today is for sweet love and tranquility.

Which three zodiac signs are luckier in love on Tuesday, August 16, 2022?

1. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Like the Sun itself, you love to shine, shine, shine, and today you will be shining on your loved one. You are so lucky to be able to have days like this, Leo, as they soothe your soul and let you know that no matter what, someone has your back.

It’s nice to be loved and to be shown love to you, and it’s even nicer to show it to them, and that’s what you will do today.

He’s not caught up in the idea of ​​making a big production out of things, in fact, he’s quite content to have a simple candlelit dinner, one of his own creations.

You enjoy the simple life today and your partner feels welcome and happy at the thought of such simplicity finally coming into their own lives. During Sun trine Moon, you’ll come to appreciate that not everything has to be a gigantic statement. You have reached the place where simplicity is what makes your heart beat lovingly.

2. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

You have longed for a day like this, and here it is, full of all the peace and tranquility that a transit like the Sun in trine can give. Today, you can be sure that his mistress is faithful to him and appreciates her presence. For the first time in a long time, you feel comfortable with your partner.

There is just something in the air that feels peaceful; Neither of them wants to fight or find something to smash, and in a way, this kind of day sets a precedent for days to come. Once you’ve tasted this kind of relationship happiness, you may think you’ll never come back, but you will if you both make an effort to respect each other.

Today exists because of that respect and it will be worth it for you to continue with this kind of respectful show of affection. Love and honor each other as individuals, and join together as lovers who understand each other.

3. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

You’ve always admired the idea of ​​a couple growing old together. In your mind, the fast-paced ‘love me and leave them’ attitude is for someone else. You have always wanted a solid relationship and it seems that you have found the right person to fulfill that dream.

During Sun trine Moon, everything feels good, Pisces. You and your partner seem to flow together like a solid force of light and goodness. You have the same interests, and during Sun trine Moon, this is what brings you to the next step.

All you can see is promise and excitement; there is a future for you and this person and you both know it inside and out. Both of you feel immense gratitude today, knowing that this kind of love is a great gift to receive.

Appreciate the person you have found and let them know how much you appreciate their presence in your life. Today is the right day to do such a thing. Enjoy.