3 zodiac signs that feel sad for love from July 12 to 14

Depending on what we think we should get out of love determines how sad we feel about it.

One of the things that brings out this sadness is practicality; love is so solid and full of promises; the last thing we need is to make sense of it, since making sense of it usually leads to taking it apart, and that’s what happens when we have our Moon in Capricorn.

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While this can be a beneficial transition, it tends to push us towards pragmatism. And anyone who has any experience with love sooner or later realizes that love does not fit into the world of pragmatism.

We can try to make it fit; we can do our best to make sense of the whys, hows, and whos, but all we get is confusion or disappointment. Once we open our minds to the rush of memories, breakups, failed starts, and the like, we feel sad and a bit lost.

From July 12-14, 2022, some of us will plunge down that rabbit hole only to feel depressed, teary, and melancholy about love and how it has affected our lives personally.

We want to heal and grow. We even want to be in new relationships; We do not want to fail in love, even if it is difficult to win.

Still, we persist, fall in love and take risks. For some zodiac signs, today can be a sad day filled with memories, grudges, and all the little hopeless mind games we can play on ourselves.

Find out which three zodiac signs are sad during the Moon in Capricorn July 12-14, 2022 below.

1. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

You know that all is fair in love and war, and you have served your time on that battlefield. You really meant well, and you always wanted your own love, except it didn’t work out the way you wanted. You became experienced, and you came to play the role of a dedicated partner. Yet you feel depressed about everything as if you have somehow been overlooked.

What you are really doing is taking on the power of the Moon in Capricorn to fuel your need to compare yourself to everyone around you. To the outside eye, it seems that everyone around you is deeply in love and connected to these wonderful and perfect relationships and here you are, counting down the days until the next big nothing happens.

You are hurting yourself by comparing your life to someone else’s life. Don’t assume everyone is jumping for joy with their love life; you are mature and intelligent enough to know that everything comes with give and take. Hold on, Gemini. It’s just a sad day, and you’ll get over it real soon.

2. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

What you can experience today, Cancer, is that feeling of deep disappointment. Since this is also the season of your birthday, you can’t help but want to be special; you can’t get rid of that feeling that somehow things haven’t turned out the way you wanted and of course this has to do with love.

Today you will separate yourself from the rest of the others so that you can be alone, in your funky mood. You know it will happen, but right now you’re glad to feel depressed, like it’s some weird kind of masochistic indulgence.

Forks. But it is yours and you have the right to feel what you feel because it is your life and you need to process things in your own time. The Moon in Capricorn puts you in touch with all the realities that you would prefer not to look at today.

3. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

There is something about the energy of Capricorn that tends to unsettle you, Aquarius, and that is because it challenges your sense of identity; you define yourself by what goes on inside your head, and you rarely like to give that space to things that are related to Capricorn, like practical matters, work problems, doing things down to earth. And because you’re so cerebral, you can’t help but fall under the spell of lunar events.

This, the Moon in Capricorn, makes you look directly at things you’d rather not pay attention to, like your love life. He usually doesn’t care if he fits into the «successful couple in a full romantic relationship» category. You just do what you do and you don’t care what anyone else thinks.

But today you cannot escape your main judge because that judge is you. This event makes you look at yourself as if you were somehow not a «normal» human being. Even though you know it’s absurd, you can’t help but feel sad and depressed about the whole thing anyway.