3 zodiac signs that change their minds about love during the Moon in Pisces, from March 1 to 3, 2022

When we have dualistic transits, like we have today, with the Moon in Pisces, we have a tendency to see things from two different points of view.

Today, we will find that many of us are looking at love as we wonder whether this is the right thing for us, or not.

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There is something in the idea of ​​love and romance that makes us think that we must choose for life.

We rarely see love as something we can leave behind, which is also one of the reasons we make commitments we can’t keep; the truth is that love is fickle and we don’t always get it right.

Sometimes, in fact, we regret having made the decision to ‘go after’ a certain person.

During the Moon in Pisces, we will come to terms with the fact that perhaps the person we have chosen to be involved with she’s not really ‘the one’.

There are some zodiac signs here today that definitely they will be contemplating the idea of ​​leaving their love commitment.

In a way, this is a very good thing; it is better to act according to what your heart tells you to do, instead of staying in a situation that just feels wrong.

For some, this day belongs to that change of heart, and many of us will be reevaluating our ideas about love.

Here’s why 3 zodiac signs change their minds about love when the Moon is in Pisces from March 1-3, 2022.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

You’ve been moving in this direction for a while now, Aries, because you’ve been simultaneously experiencing the negative side of love, and it’s really starting to get on your nerves.

Not only have you changed your mind about love, but you’re also starting to develop new ways of thinking about it.

In the past, love was something you really gave yourself to; all passion and no thought.

And why not? Isn’t that what love does to people?

Still, you have learned too many lessons from the pain that love has brought you, and you are too smart to stay, like a glutton for punishment.

The Moon in Pisces really test your last nerve on this subject and allows you to see that you not only need free the person you’re withbut you also need to reevaluate your future endeavors when it comes to love and romance.

If you change your mind about love, Aries, you are doing the right thing.

More power to you.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Let’s face it: you’ve tried really hard and now you’re stuck with the resultsand in love, those results they don’t look so bright.

You thought that if you played your part and played the role of the dutiful lover, you would end up having this thing called a ‘satisfying love life’ and, oddly enough, It never worked that way, did it?

The Moon in Pisces does not help with your feelings of security in this regard, in fact, this transit pushes you in the direction of acting on a hunch.

That hunch tells you that you are no longer interested in continuing this relationship and that you have changed.

Change was not part of the plan, but then again, change is always sporadic and unpredictable. On March 1, you will change your mind about love and the decay process will begin.

Stay strong.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

The only reason you’re still in the relationship you’re in is because you didn’t want to fail, nor did you want others to find fault with your relationship.

You care too much about what others think of youand in your desire to look like the coolest cucumber on the block, too you lied to yourself about your love life.

It is NOT that good, and has not been that good for too much time.

Still, you endured and did your part, fulfilled your role as a couple; you endured, and now that the Moon in Pisces influences your way of thinking and you will finally reach a conclusion that is inevitable: your truth.

You will see reality and finally you will assume that this is no longer for you.

But this time, you are ready to take the step, and that step will take you away from this relationship.

Are you ready for this, Capricorn? Life is short.

What makes you think that you have the flesh of a martyr or that you deserve suffering? Worse: Who is evaluating you? Who is even looking at you while you suffer? Who do you impress? Why don’t you just decide to be happy?