3 zodiac signs that are luckier in love on September 25

This kind of empathy and respect for other people is one of the traits that goes along with the transit of the Moon conjunct Venus, and it can be very productive for romantic relationships.

This is the moment when we show that we are serious, but more: that we are ready to listen. We want to be good to our loved ones, on this day, and we want them to know that we can be trusted.

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On September 25, we have the Moon conjunct Venus to help us express our love in ways we may not have known existed before. We are willing to look at ourselves for answers, and we are also ready to love ourselves.

This means that we no longer see ourselves as ‘the problem’. We want to be a part of something beautiful, and we understand that if that’s going to happen, we also have to be a part of change, difference, and positive outlook.

During the Moon conjunct Venus, we want harmony. We have no need to argue or win. We want our person to love us not because we demand love from him, but because we want to give it freely, and we want it to be accepted with the same freedom.

By being an example of loving-kindness, we can create romantic settings where everyone feels cared for and deeply loved. Some signs react better to the Moon conjunct Venus than others, and for those signs, it will indeed be a lucky day for love.

Which three zodiac signs are the luckiest in love on September 25, 2022?

1. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

If you could live in love and be kind 24 hours a day to everyone in your life, you would really love that kind of existence. While life doesn’t always give us that kind of situation, on this day, you will represent nothing less than what you call perfection.

And for you, being nice and sweet to the person you love is all you want. You are not worried about their reaction since the love you feel is pure; you just want to give, and during the Moon’s conjunction with Venus, you’ll be so in touch with your desire to serve your partner that you won’t be able to move without a leap in your step.

You’ve done it, Libra. Today brings you that perfect day of love and kindness, and you can show your loved one what you are really made of. From the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep, you will feel the joy of being in love, giving love and living happily.

2. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

It’s a very lucky day for the love in your life, Scorpio, because not only have you finally released old pain and heartache, but you now feel free to give love to someone special, once again. You have learned from your past and you have no intention of getting into that kind of trouble again.

You’re with someone now who deserves only the best, and you don’t plan on burdening them with your past problems; When you think about it, you feel selfish and wrong forever doing such a thing, but luckily, you have grown up.

Now, you are the person who wants to be nice; you want to show that you are trustworthy and good, and during the Moon conjunction with Venus, you will be highly inspired to reveal this superset side of yourself. Whodathunkit, Scorpio? Inside you, there is a sweet cake ready to reveal itself. It’s a good day for you and your love.

3. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Something interesting has happened to you, Aquarius; you feel more interested in the person with whom you are in love than in yourself. That’s not to say you’ve been selfish, but rather like yourself, finally noticing how amazing the person you’re with is.

During the transit of the Moon conjunct Venus on September 25, you will come to the conclusion that this person is more than special; she is worthy of your love and attention, and now that you have jumped that hurdle, you want to marinate her in your love.

All it took was a twist in perception and BAM! All you can see is how lucky you are and how fate has given you the perfect person to spend your time with. You are about to feel a deep love, and it will all start when you recognize what a good person your lover really is.