3 positions to sleep during menstruation and really rest

Tired of tossing and turning in bed during those days and waking up broken? adopt these sleeping positions in menstruation.

Men will never understand the inconvenience that girls go through when we have our period, even in the contemporary world, when we have at hand the best alternatives to be comfortable on those days.

Is there a relationship between sleep disorder and menstruation?

According to the National Sleep Foundation, most women sleep poorly before and during their period primarily due to menstrual cramps.
However, there are other reasons, such as headaches, tender breasts, nausea or diarrhea, depression, anxiety, and (of course) fear of staining.

Best sleeping positions during menstruation

According to the Sleep Foundation organization, sleep disturbances may be related to hormonal changes that occur during PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) and menstruation. The position in which you sleep is key to feeling better on those days.

3. Face up

This sleeping position leaves the abdomen free so that you can perform a gentle massage with them; Be careful, make sure your hands are warm, otherwise your colic will get worse.

2. Fetal position

According to experts, sleeping in the fetal position takes pressure off your abdominal muscles and causes the muscles around your abdomen to relax, so you’ll have less cramping.

Sleeping in the fetal position with your legs together, on the other hand, makes you less likely to spot, even on days when your flow is heaviest, according to a survey by the app Clue, which specializes in tracking your menstrual cycle.

1. Child’s position, the most effective of sleeping positions in menstruation

Although it is very similar to the previous one, this position consists of doing the fetal position but face down, keeping the knees bent under your body and it is very effective to relieve colic quickly. Those who practice Yoga know it.

Please, share this note on your social networks, your friends will thank you, because this information could change their lives, like when we revealed the things we always wanted to know about menstruation and nobody told us.