3 Brutal Truths About Romantic Love That Are Really Hard To Hear

«I love my spouse but I don’t feel love.»

«I’m just not sure if I love him.»

«I love him but I would say he doesn’t love me anymore. Is my love enough?»

Statements like these can be extremely confusing, not to mention heartbreaking and heartbreaking, especially when you’re really convinced that you’re falling out of love.

But have we forgotten about unconditional love? What is unconditional love, even?

Here are 3 brutal truths about romantic love that are really hard to hear:

1. Love is an action, not a feeling you get from another person.

Love is an experience you receive as a result of doing acts of love for someone you care aboutit’s not a feeling you get.

The trick is to give the love and take the action that your spouse needs and wants. The problem is that many times we dedicate ourselves to satisfying the needs of our partner with what we it matters to us.

When we do that, we miss the opportunity to create a deeper connection and more happiness with our partner.

So it’s not rocket science or complicated to «fall in love» again. It’s about taking care of your partner’s deepest needs, and by doing so, showing them how much you care.

2. Love is not something you find, it is something you create

Most of us falsely assume from love stories in tabloids and movies that all you need to do is find that «special someone» and you’ll live happily ever after. We all know that’s not true, but on some level we still expect it.

What actions have you taken to show your love for your partner? Often they are unable to respond. The reason people often don’t feel «in love» is because they aren’t doing anything.They are waiting for love to come and motivate them first.

So, they come to an impasse and get caught in a trap where they remain trapped in a private love relationship for days, months, or years. They hope that something will change, but nobody is willing to give.

In the end, they blame the breakdown of the marriage on communication, lack of sex, family or economic differences. However, in reality, they simply did not show any act of love. How can a couple stay connected? The real problem is that marriage it lacks loving and selfless gestures.

If you think about it, there is absolutely nothing in life worth having that doesn’t require effort to achieve and then maintain. Things in life grow or die, it’s the law of nature.

Relationships are no different. They need to be nurtured, cared for, cared for and cared for.

If you want to feel more love or fall in love again, you need to make acts of love part of your daily routine. The more you do, the better, and the more likely your lover will reciprocate.

What do you want to experience more of right now in your relationship? Do you want more excitement, affection, attention, appreciation, fun, support, care, or security? Everything is possible to create.

3. Unconditional love is extremely rare, so don’t expect it.

If someone ignores you, hurts you, or annoys you, it’s unrealistic for them to expect you to always love them. Similarly, if you misbehave with your spouse over and over again, they will likely change the way they think, act, and feel toward you.

So don’t expect unconditional love to always be there. Don’t take your spouse for granted. Make an effort to make him smile. Show him empathy and kindness.

Love is something deeply personal and individual. It may mean something completely different to you than it does to me.

Love, in a miserable relationship, does not help the situation. So if you only have love with confusion and pain, maybe it’s not enough. On the other hand, in a great relationship where you are worried that the love you have is not what it used to be, there is nothing to worry about. Love can be built.

Other emotions that we experience throughout our week can cause us to lose sight of the love we have.

If we feel angry, stressed, upset, or upset about work, finances, family, or our health, it will affect the happiness and love we feel for someone. So you need to make sure you don’t over-analyze in tough times.

If you have fallen out of love, it is easier than you think to fall in love again. Don’t fall into the trap of waiting to feel love before acting. act now Do something loving, talk to a marriage specialist for support, or get free literature for guidance.